EV-D68, the virus that alerts pediatricians in the United States with consequences similar to polio

Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a rare but very serious disease, especially in children. Measures against the pandemic have slowed the circulation of viruses like this, so now it could return with more force, causing a new large outbreak. The Spanish health authorities They have not reported, for the moment, an increase in infections in our country. The origin of everything is the EV-D68 virus. A pathogen that normally causes a simple cold, but which can also, and especially in children, trigger acute respiratory illnesses and serious neurological conditions such as aseptic meningitis, encephalitis or acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), a polio-like illness that can cause permanent paralysis in the smallest. An “imminent” risk During the pandemic, this enterovirus has practically disappeared, but in August, the US authorities have registered an increase in infections caused by EV-D68 and consider that the probability of its resurgence of the virus is “imminent”, which would lead to an increase in AFM myelitis, which is why they have asked professionals to be attentive to the symptoms of contagion. The most common are: Cough. Difficulty breathing. Wheezing. Fever, in half of the cases. First warning symptom: a cold that ends with weakness in the limbs Rarely, especially in children, this virus causes flaccid myelitis aqua, a disease that appears when the child is already recovering from what looks like a common cold and that manifests itself with weakness in the limbs, drooping eyelids, difficulty swallowing or even speaking. The paralysis can become permanent in a matter of days. In addition, a third of patients require assisted ventilation and many of those affected require long-term rehabilitation. For this reason, experts ask to be attentive to the first symptoms, especially knowing that EV-D68 begins to circulate in the United States and that myelitis has no preventive treatment or vaccine. “If your child is recovering from a cold and suddenly something is wrong, whether it’s an arm or a leg, those are the first symptoms,” pediatrician Matthew Vogt told Statnews magazine. These signs must be recognized as soon as possible, since the worsening can be very fast, therefore, although there are no specific treatments for acute flaccid myelitis, specialists can try to alleviate the symptoms to avoid the most serious consequences and damage to the spinal cord. . How to prevent contagion The recommendations given by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consist of protecting oneself from contagion with measures such as washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, avoiding close contact with sick people, and covering cough and sneeze into a tissue or elbow, not your hands. In addition, in case of symptoms, it is recommended to stay home and wear a mask. In case of breathing problems or sudden weakness in the limbs, notify medical specialists immediately. Contact a health care provider right away if you or your child have trouble breathing or sudden weakness in your limbs. The CDC is warning of increased activity of the enterovirus known as EV-D68, which circulates regularly and occasionally infects when and what usually only causes colds. The virus seems to be making a comeback. https://t.co/2THA8JUINQ— Dr. Ilin Gilberto de la Torre M. (@IlindelatorreMD) September 12, 2022 A disease with outbreaks every two years The outbreaks recorded since 2014 of this enterovirus EV-D68 have coincided geographically and seasonally with seasonal biennial peaks in cases of acute flaccid myelitis. Epidemic contagion patterns that suggest, according to The Lancet, that the strength and duration of immunity against natural infections by this enterovirus D68 lasts two years. At that time, large outbreaks deplete the susceptible group and limit the size of future outbreaks until a new susceptible group emerges through new births. But the ongoing covid-19 pandemic has altered these patterns. SARS-CoV-2 and non-pharmacological measures to prevent its spread, such as the use of masks or social distancing, have prevented the spread of the virus that causes myelitis, probably avoiding the outbreak expected in 2020, but increasing the group of susceptible people and creating an immunity gap that could, in turn, cause a major outbreak once anti-covid measures are lifted. A behavior similar to that which probably triggered the cases of acute childhood hepatitis of unknown origin. Whether or when this new major outbreak of EV-D68 will begin is something that experts find difficult to predict. Until now, the peak of infections has been registered every two years, between August and September, at the end of summer and with the beginning of autumn, generally in the northern hemisphere, although the Spanish health authorities have not notified an increase in infections nor have they launched any alert to the presence of this enterovirus which, in most cases, causes trivial infections.

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