VIDEO Neighbors were bothered by an unbearable smell from one of the apartments: yuck View only for strong stomachs… –

The manager of the apartment building could not believe what he was seeing when he opened the door to the apartment, which several residents had complained about. In their complaints, an unbearable smell was mentioned, which should have already reached the corridor and spread through the entire entrance. According to the data, this apartment was rented, but no one was currently in it, reports the Daily Mail. Since no one responded to knocking and ringing the bell, the apartment building administrator opened it himself. Probably no one would want to see the sight that appeared to him. Images like from a horror film The apartment is located in the district of St. Marys. When the administrator opened it, he couldn’t believe his eyes. So he took out his phone and recorded the catastrophe that was all around. This apartment could become the dirtiest property in Australia. The worst thing about the whole thing is that the owner might not even know about anything. Such a devastation was left behind by the last tenants. Their neighbors complained about them to the administrator, who even changed the locks on the apartment. In addition to the mess, there was apparently a regular roaring and shouting coming from the apartment. All the rooms in the apartment that could be seen from the corridor, even the kitchen, were littered with all sorts of things and rubbish. When you look at the couch, you can see the toys. Children also lived in such appalling conditions. The video lasts only a moment, because the smell was already unbearable according to the locksmith. For this reason, there is no shot to the bathroom and bedroom. “It stank terribly, I couldn’t take another step,” he said. In the video, you can hear how he quickly closed the door, and there is a gasp for fresh air in the corridor. Photo gallery (2) This is how the apartment in Sydney looked after the arrival of the administrator.
Source: TikTok/sooulevv Nobody gets it The TikTok video attracted thousands of views and comments in two days. Horrified viewers were outraged by the disgusting state of the property. “It’s frustrating. Many families who could never afford this can’t find any rent. When a person like this gets an apartment instead of them, it breaks my heart,” said someone in a comment under the video. Another commenter commented that he couldn’t understand how people could live in such mess and filth. “How could this even happen? There is so much garbage there that it had to be collected in a year,” he expressed his outrage.

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