Sánchez, on the PP’s energy proposal: “They are the desperate defense of the interests of large companies”

The Government hopes to convince France of the need to go ahead with MidCat Responds to Podemos that mortgage caps “are not allowed” in “the European Union treaty” “We ask the employers for a dose of responsibility to unblock the agreements groups”, the head of the Executive has requested. The President of the Government Pedro Sánchez has answered with a resounding “no” when asked about the possibility of “stopping the price of food”. Sánchez has clarified that what can be done is “an appeal to shared responsibility, which is what the second vice-president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, is doing”. The chief executive was thus referring to Diaz’s proposal for a basket of basic products at affordable prices. It is the first time that Sánchez has referred to the proposal for the head of Labor, a proposal that he has supported in these terms in the interview he has granted to public television tonight. He has shown less enthusiasm about the latest proposal from Podemos de top mortgages. Sánchez recalled that they are not allowed by the European Union, although he shared the analysis made by the morad formation and the UGT union that “the tightening of monetary policy”, something that, in his opinion, is “necessary to control the evolution of inflation”, should not be transferred to “an increase in mortgages” that puts “in difficulties” families who are already suffering from rising prices.”They want us progressives to give up”Pedro Sánchez has criticized the document that the Popular Party has sent to Moncloa with its energy saving proposal. “The PP’s proposal, if it represents anything, is insolvency and a desperate defense of the interests of the country’s large energy companies”, has criticized the chief executive who has attacked Nuñez Feijóo’s party with this argument that he already used in the debate in the Senate a week ago when they had not even sent their document. In his censorship of the popular ones, he has linked them with the economic and media powers and has warned that they want us progressives to “surrender” as he has indicated, while at the same time defending the action of his Government in defense of the interests of the middle and working class. In terms of energy, Sánchez has expressed his confidence in trying to “convince” France about the possibility of increasing gas interconnections with France, referring to the MidCat gas pipeline, and has also stressed that gas from Algeria “is guaranteed” despite the “discord” due to Western Sahara. Message also from Sánchez to the employers at this time, Sánchez has asked the businessmen for a “dose of responsibility” to unblock the collective agreements. The king emeritus and the polls In the thirty minutes of the interview, Sánchez did not miss the opportunity to criticize the lack of agreement with the main opposition party. The word used by the President of the Government has been “disappointment”. “Not personal, but country,” he has said, has a lot to do with the lack of support for measures to deal with the crisis, as well as the paralysis of the judiciary. “I have no doubt that in a few days we will have a proposal from the CGPJ on the appointment of magistrates in the Constitutional Court,” the president has bet, who has accused the popular ones of using the courts to repeal advances and social rights approved by Parliament. of the President of the Government occurred during the interview on public television where he was also asked about the attendance of the King Emeritus at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in London. Since Zarzuela announced on Monday that the former Head of State had accepted the invitation to attend next Monday’s event, various members of the Government have repeated in public and in private that the representation of the State corresponds to the current kings and have framed as “private trip” the presence of the emeritus. “This Government is coordinated with the Royal House and we deal with the delegation with which Spain will be represented at the funeral, which are King Felipe VI and Doña Letizia”, ​​Sánchez has tried to settle, who did not want to answer if he would have liked that the king emeritus would have declined the invitation. Asked about the polls that give better results to the PP than to the PSOE, the Prime Minister has shown confidence. “I take the surveys seriously, I analyze them but I work to turn them around.” He has defended the management these almost four years adding that “except for a zombie invasion” they have had to face “tremendous” situations.

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