Bratislava Mayor Vallo: If someone who has Borgula behind him talks about stealing, it’s cynical (+video) – Denník N

In an interview less than two months before the municipal and county elections, the mayor of Bratislava, Matúš Vallo, says: why he cannot imagine free parking; how it was possible to buy out the subsidiary company of the waterworks from Ivan Kmotrík; how will Bratislava save during the energy crisis; he responds to the words of people from OĽaNO or OKS, who support his challenger, about a pioneering leader or a right-wing alternative; and says when we might have a new main station. What were you thinking all summer watching the government crisis? To end it. It has exhausted us all, and every normal Slovak man and woman wants to see a stable government that solves the problems that come in large doses, not only to Slovakia, but to the whole of Europe. I thought that it would end, that they would solve their problems somewhere other than in front of the cameras and away from us. Did SaS do well to give an ultimatum and finally leave the government? Time will tell if it is good to continue to have a government that is struggling or if someone new comes in with more energy. In any case, I think that in politics you have to negotiate to the very end, I learned that even in our small municipal politics. And here it is clear to everyone that there is no more room for negotiation and the decision of the SaS must be respected. As a citizen, do you want early elections, or do you want this government to manage somehow? As a citizen, I want us to have a government that will see us through the times ahead. I don’t have an answer as to how that should be, we don’t know what early elections can do and we don’t know what damage this government can do. But you see the polls and they’re not very good. The question is whether they will be even worse after two years of this government. What do you think of Igor Matovič? Isn’t that an easier question? I don’t know Mr. Matovič very well and we met maybe twice on some occasion, so I judge him by the way he works as a politician. From this point of view, in my opinion, he is polarizing society in an incredible way and the wave he was able to create, that he will cleanse the country of old mafia practices, at the same time he himself is disappointing and losing with his behavior. He treats cities professionally as a representative of the state in such a way that I have no reason to be enthusiastic about his ministry. This article is exclusive content for Denník N subscribers. Are you a subscriber? Log in

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