The effects of ‘Danielle’, worse than expected: they will not serve to alleviate the severe drought

The latest forecasts indicate that it will not bring as much water as expected since the rainfall will be convective. A sudden change in weather will be noticed, which will contrast with the high temperatures this weekend. The storm has already put 12 communities on alert for rainfall, storms and strong wind There were many expectations placed on the ex-Danielle storm. It was expected to arrive with abundant rainfall to alleviate the situation of the reservoirs in Spain, at 35% of their capacity, the worst figure since 2005. But the storm is here and according to meteorologists, its effects are going to be worse than expected. It was expected. The first precipitations are already falling to the west of the peninsula, and although they will spread during the week to other areas of the center and east of the country, they will not be enough. Experts have warned this Monday. “There is not going to be a clear front as it was seen. The character is going to be much more convective, which is always bad news…”, they lamented from el The forecast comes from the European Center for Meteorological Forecasts. Why is it bad news? “Because the convective rainfall is much more irregular. They do not leave good generalized accumulations, which is what the entire Atlantic slope needs right now”, they have highlighted. Good morning! We are already entering the episode, which unfortunately, is going to end being much worse than expected a few days ago. The reason? There will not be a clear front as it was seen. The character is going to be much more convective, which is always bad news…— EnMet (@EnMet3) September 12, 2022 Dying water reserveWith the reservoirs so empty, the arrival of this storm was good news and although it was not expected to fill them, the forecasts pointed out that its effects would be much more positive than it seems they will be now. With the existing water reserve deficit, these rains will not be enough to alleviate the serious drought that our country is going through. currently, according to data provided by the Ministry for Ecological Transition. The storm puts 12 communities on alert According to the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) on its website, rains are expected in Andalusia, Extremadura and Galicia, especially intense on the Galician Atlantic coast and in the north of Cáceres, where they could accumulate up to 40 liters per square meter in 12 hours, compared to 20 liters in one hour that would be collected in western Andalusia. In Aragon there is a yellow alert due to heat of up to 36 degrees on the Zaragoza bank of the Ebro and also in Teruel, accompanied by rain of up to 15 liters in one hour in different parts of the Community with the risk of storms, hail and strong wind. The heat also activates the yellow alert in the Balearic Islands this day, especially in the islands of Mallorca and Menorca, where it is expected to reach 36 maximum degrees during the central hours of the day. In Cantabria and in the Community of Madrid, the most significant thing will be the wind, which will reach maximum gusts of 80 kilometers per hour, the same as expected in Castilla y León, where there is also a forecast of rain of up to 40 liters per square meter in 12 hours in the provinces of Ávila and Salamanca and gusts of wind of 80 kilometers per hour in those of Palencia and Zamora. Castilla-La Mancha has activated the yellow warning for accumulated precipitation of up to 15 liters in one hour in the Cuenca and Guadalajara mountains, in both cases with the possibility of storms, and maximum wind gusts of 80 kilometers per hour in the Toledo mountains. As for Navarra , the Basque Country and the Valencian Community, maintain a yellow warning for accumulated precipitation of 15 liters per square meter in one hour and 20 liters in the interior of the province of Valencia, accompanied in all cases of storm risk that could be accompanied by hail in points of the peninsular east. The Aemet warns that with the yellow alert there is no meteorological risk for the population in general, although there is for some specific activity.

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