Four deputies were taken to task by a well-known organization: Dangerous amendment? Immediately came a strong challenge! –

archival video The aforementioned four members of parliament have their own reasons for submitting the law. They claim that their goal is to prevent investors from being bullied by various “speculators” who abuse permitting procedures for enrichment. However, according to Via Iuris, the actual impact of the amendment would be quite different. The new law concerns changes in the area of ​​environmental impact assessment (EIA). “The aim of the proposed law is to prevent obstructions of a bullying nature by individuals from among the so-called public. The proposal preserves the right of the public to comment on the administration of public affairs, but at the same time creates prerequisites for this right to be balanced with the right of property owners to obtain individual decisions in real time “, it is written in the explanatory report of the draft law. Photo gallery (3) Source: What do they see as the problem? Via Iuris criticizes the proposed changes to the EIA Act. According to them, these will not only not stop speculators and disproportionate benefits to investors, but will allegedly significantly limit the rights of active people to influence construction in their surroundings and also limit the possibilities of professional bodies to protect public interests. “The draft amendment to the EIA Act is disgraceful not only because it limits the rights of the public and disproportionately favors investors. In addition, it will not solve the problem with entities that abuse the law at all, because they will continue to conclude their agreements in the permit procedures that follow the EIA process,” points out Eva Kováčechová, who works with Via Iuris. Photo gallery (3) Source: Via Iuris Unserious developers are said to have their doors open According to Via Iuris, it is shocking that MPs from coalition parties are proposing an amendment to the law, which will allegedly limit the rights of active citizens instead of speculators. “The losers will be those who consistently and long-term protect the environment and cannot be bought in any way. They are the biggest obstacle for non-serious developers today. The proposal of four coalition MPs will help developers remove this obstacle from the road,” the organization warns. According to them, the proposals are also contrary to the EU EIA Directive and the Aarhus Convention and limit the possibilities of expert state bodies to express themselves during the EIA process. Even according to Via Iuris, deputies proceed in a way that does nothing to prevent the abuse of law. “The procedure proposed by the deputies is not only unacceptable, it is also contrary to the applicable law,” they conclude. Deputies moved the amendment, which modifies some laws in connection with the acceleration of certain proceedings, to the second reading. This should prevent bullying obstructions from the public. The amendment is intended to preserve the right of the public to comment on the administration of public affairs, but at the same time create prerequisites for this right to be balanced with the right of property owners to receive decisions in real time.

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