INTERVIEW Lunter replacement is needed: Amateurism of the coarsest grain! THESE are the biggest problems of the Banská Bystrica region –

Why does a rich person with a young family decide to run for mayor of the Banská Bystrica region? -The reason is simple. What our region currently has in leadership, no region in Slovakia deserves. Whose idea was it for you to go into politics? – It can be said that the current leadership of the Banská Bystrica region – the Lunter family – drove me to this step. What I have experienced with them at work can only be called amateurism, and in the 20 years that I have been working in high positions, I have not experienced worse management. VIDEO Candidate for head of BBSK Polón: We continue to pay Pellegrini’s driver! What are the biggest failures of the current leadership of the Banská Bystrica region, which includes your opponent? – We are the worst in several things. We are a region that has zero drawdown of European funds, from which the most residents left according to the last census. A region that shot itself in the knees in the thing that was the only thing that worked. And that was transport. Unfortunately, it can be said that our region is presented differently by the mouth of the leadership and differently in reality. There are countless lies told by the management to the media space, they can be simply added up. After five years of office, the management of the Office has nothing to brag about. Cases of nepotism are also connected with the Banskobystrica region. It was started by Marian Kotleba during the previous election period, when he appointed his wife and brothers to the Office, and the current chairman Ján Lunter practically continues this trend. Will you continue this “tradition”? -(laughter). I have a big family, but I don’t know where to employ them. The county is busy. Under the previous management, approximately 140 workers were employed at the office, today there are more than twice as many. There are created fictitious places, evidently kindred spirits of the Lunter family, who have astronomical salaries. It is necessary to make the opposite trend, namely to fire some people and thus save costs for wages. These are huge millions that were completely wasted in the air due to this wasteful step of the current leadership. VIDEO The conflict with SAD Zvolen is incomprehensible to me, claims Polóny. The price of a lawsuit is unreal. You criticized the current management of the county, saying that it is the worst in drawing European funds. What information do you use? Because your opponent rejects and refutes this information. -From the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Informatization, Regional Development and Investments, but also regional data. Today, with a few clicks on the website, you can see which local government drew how much European funds and how many applications it submitted. The current leadership of the region has been banging their chests about how they are going to change the conditions that worked under the previous leadership, but as they say, the deed escaped. In 5 years, they did not hit a single challenge, which seemed to be tailor-made for the Banskobystrica region. You can’t even call this amateurism, but rather total incompetence, a toll for which, unfortunately, the Central Slovaks have borne the brunt. With every press release they respond to the European funds, they claim that they are only contracting them. Other regions are already drawing money, our region only contracted the call. It’s the same principle as if you got a pay stub but no money, or if I filed a tax return but didn’t pay. Submitted does not mean they are drawn. VIDEO Five years of leadership of the Lunter family is wasted time: Nothing has been done for the people in recent years, claims the candidate for Banská Bystrica mayor

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