EXTRAORDINARY ONLINE Huge success of Ukraine: In five days they conquered more than the Russians have since April! Macron’s emphatic request – Topky.sk

Live from Ukraine 199th day of war in Ukraine ONLINE Load new news 21:44 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi announced on Sunday evening that Russia is responsible for widespread power outages throughout eastern Ukraine. At the same time, Zelensky accused Moscow of deliberately hitting civilian infrastructure with attacks. The news agency AFP brought the information. 21:17 Officials in the east of Ukraine attributed the blame for Sunday’s widespread power outages to Russian attacks on key facilities. This was reported by the AFP news agency. Power outages occurred on Sunday evening precisely in those areas that Kyiv recaptured from Russian invading soldiers during the latest counter-offensive. The Ukrainian army has already liberated dozens of villages and towns in the east of Ukraine – before the war, millions of people lived in these parts. 20:11 Large areas of eastern Ukraine were hit by a power outage on Sunday evening. This was reported by Ukrainian representatives and journalists of the AFP news agency. The outages occurred precisely in those areas that Kyiv recently recaptured from the Russian invading soldiers. 19:45 Ukrainian forces apparently reached the Russian border in several places in the northern part of the Kharkiv region during their rapid counter-offensive. The video, which allegedly shows Ukrainian soldiers at the Hoptivka border crossing, was published by the Unian agency with the warning that the capture of Hoptivka has not yet been confirmed by the command of the Ukrainian forces. Other videos of Ukrainian soldiers near the state border with Russia are also circulating on the Internet. 18:51 Russia postpones plans to hold referendums in occupied territories amid Ukraine’s counter-offensive. Russia still plans to hold a so-called referendum in Kherson. The Meduza portal informs about it. 17:52 Ukrainian soldiers recaptured more Ukrainian territory in five days than Russian soldiers have occupied since April. This was stated by American experts, who were referred to by the DPA news agency. “The liberation of the city of Izium will be the most significant achievement of the Ukrainian army since its March victory in the battle for Kiev,” the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said in a Sunday analysis of the situation in Ukraine. Izium is located in the Kharkiv region in the north of Ukraine. 17:31 In a Sunday phone call with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out the possible “catastrophic consequences” of the Ukrainian attacks on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZAES). TASR took over the report from the AFP agency. 17:02 Russian President Vladimir Putin and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron assured each other in a telephone conversation today that they will cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to resolve the crisis surrounding Ukraine’s Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. The Kremlin informed about it on its website. The Zaporozhye power plant in Ukraine, which is still occupied by the Russian army, and its surroundings have faced shelling in recent weeks, blamed on each other by Kiev and Moscow. Photo gallery (2) French President Emmanuel Macron
Source: SITA/Gonzalo Fuentes/Pool via AP 16:39 Several members of the German Bundestag on Sunday asked for more support for the Ukrainian counter-offensive, which is currently gaining momentum in some parts of Ukraine. TASR informs based on the report of the DPA agency. 16:10 The Russian authorities have indefinitely postponed referendums on joining Russia planned in the occupied territories of Ukraine, the Meduza server wrote, citing sources close to the Kremlin. The reason is the progress of Ukrainian forces in the counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region. 16:01 Armed forces are within 50 kilometers of the Russian border as Ukraine makes further gains in the Kharkiv region. “Since the beginning of September, more than 3,000 square kilometers have returned to the control of Ukraine,” said Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhnyi. 15:23 An Australian Bushmaster armored car with an American Mk.19 Mod 3 automatic grenade launcher takes part in the liberation of the Kharkiv region. 14:48 Since the beginning of September, Ukrainian forces have liberated over 3,000 square kilometers of territory in the northeast of Ukraine, Chief of the Ukrainian General Staff Valery Zaluzhnyi said today, 200 days after the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Russian army has suffered significant losses in the Kharkov region, the Ukrainian army announced earlier. Russian authorities are also talking about heavy losses on the side of the enemy. Analysts at the US Institute for the Study of War (ISW) estimate that Ukrainian forces will occupy the city of Izjum in the next 48 hours, if they have not already done so. 14:45 A number of people from eastern Ukraine’s Kharkiv region have recently crossed the border into Russian territory, a representative of the Russian authorities announced on Sunday. TASR informs about it based on the AFP report. The governor of Russia’s Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, announced in a video on the social network that 1,342 people are currently housed in 27 temporary accommodation centers in the region. The Belgorod region in the south-west of the Russian Federation shares a common border with Ukraine. 14:28 The finance ministers of the European Union (EU) on Friday (September 9) supported the quick adoption of additional financial aid for Ukraine in the amount of 5 billion euros. TASR informs about it based on the press release of the ECOFIN Council. 14:12 “The backup power line to Ukraine’s Zaporozhye nuclear power plant has been restored, the facility provides external electricity needed for cooling the reactor and other safety functions,” the IAEA wrote on Twitter. 13:45 The large Russian column retreats across the Oskol River. 13:37 Russian President Vladimir Putin faces not only the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region, from where Russian troops are rapidly withdrawing, but also criticism from his biggest supporters, writes The New York Times (NYT). In recent days, pro-Russian channels on Telegram have repeatedly criticized the Kremlin, which, according to them, organizes pompous celebrations in Moscow instead of helping at the front or simply does not inform about its failures on the battlefield. 13:29 Russia plans to shell the nuclear power plant in Zaporozhye again. Russian forces are reportedly planning another attack on the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant and the neighboring town of Enerhodar, according to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Intelligence Directorate. 13:28 Russian attack on Voznesensk, Mykolaiv region, injured 2 people. The chairperson of the Council of the Mykolaiv region, Hanna Zamazieeva, said that the target of the Russian attack was civilian infrastructure. No further information was provided. 12:44 Ukrainian conquest of Izia may represent a “turning point” in Donbass. Ukraine’s liberation of Izia is “the most devastating blow to Russia since its humiliating retreat from Kiev,” writes the New York Times. 12:19 p.m. Ukraine announced on Sunday that during September, its troops regained control of more than 3,000 square kilometers of territory previously occupied by Russian forces as part of the Kremlin’s military invasion. AFP informs about it. 12:04 Residents in 82 regions of the Russian Federation vote in regional elections at various levels on Sunday. AFP and DPA agencies inform about it. Voting day is Sunday, September 11. However, some regions opened polling stations already on Friday, September 9, in order to prevent the gathering of large numbers of people. Such measures were introduced for the first time in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, AFP reminds. 11:51 A Ukrainian flag was raised in the village of Velyka Komyshuvakha in Kharkiv region. 11:15 a.m. President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said on September 11 that the Ukrainian flag is raised over the village of Chkalovskoe, about 60 kilometers from Kharkiv. It was liberated by the 14th mechanized brigade. 10:40 British intelligence service: Putin is lying about grain exports from Ukraine. The UK Ministry of Defense said Putin’s claim that only 60,000 tonnes of grain exported from Ukraine since August had been sent to developing countries and that most of it was sent to the EU was “not true”.

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