Central African Republic: the Russian influence

Published on: 09/10/2022 – 15:00 24:34 Two Russian mercenaries from the Wagner group provide security for the President of the Republic, Faustin-Archange Touadéra during a ceremony on December 1, 2019 © France 24/ Clément Di Roma Since the beginning of 2018, mercenaries from the Wagner company, a secret army in the service of the Kremlin, have set up their base in the Central African Republic. They protect the regime in exchange for mineral resources and deploy aggressive propaganda to hide the massacres, rapes and acts of torture of which they are accused. Taking advantage of the loss of French influence in its former colony, torn apart by decades of a deadly civil war, Russia has made it the laboratory of a new information war which mobilizes students, the world of cinema …and even vodka. A report by Carol Valade and Clément Di Roma. In photos: Central African Republic: demonstrations in favor of the Russians {{ scope.counterText }} {{ scope.legend }} © {{ scope.credits }} {{ scope.counterText }} i {{ scope.legend }}© { { scope.credits }} Summary of the week France 24 invites you to come back to the news that marked the week I subscribe