“He is terrorizing the country and Eduard Heger is just looking at it and the poor guy doesn’t even know where he is sitting,” said Pellegrini about Matovič. Sulík agrees with him. “Even though I’m sorry as a former member of the coalition, yes, that’s exactly how it is,” he responded. At the same time, both declared that there are no agreements or preparations for future cooperation between them. Sulík assumes that the SaS will seek support for its proposals in the coalition, as the coalition parties will also want votes from the SaS. According to him, an agreement can therefore be reached even without Hlasu-SD or Smer-SD. In addition to the entry of Finland and Sweden into NATO, SaS can imagine supporting some proposals. “I think we will not support more laws,” Sulík said. Pellegrini told the SaS and the government that they would not be a “holding bag” for them during the vote. Photo gallery (2) Source: Topky/Ján Zemiar Sulík is not finished in politics Sulík did not know whether Hirman will definitively be the new minister, as he did not confirm it to him. He invited Hirman to the ministry because he heard about him from the media. He introduced him to key people and basic information. Pellegrini pointed out that even an expert must have political cover. Sulík declared that he is not done with politics. At the same time, he thinks that the outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivan Korčok, would be a good prime minister. He gave him a suggestion to get involved in party politics. He did not want to specify whether he had given him the proposal to be the chairman of SaS. “First I will wait for Ivan Korčok to comment, then I will inform,” he added. Pellegrini asked what the prime minister, Matovič and the Ministry of Economy were doing all summer. “The whole nation and the whole industry is in total uncertainty,” he warned. Sulík stated that everything is agreed. “Since January, the current prices of electricity for households continue to apply,” he said, adding that distribution costs should rise slightly. At the same time, he reminded that the aid solution for electricity companies has been developed and SaS will support it in the parliament, but the proposal must first go through the government. Sulík also admitted to supporting Pellegrini’s proposal to help households with 300 euros per month. “I’m not saying we won’t support it, we haven’t commented on it yet,” he added.
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