Suicide survivors ask for more prevention: “It is very complicated to call when you have a suicidal idea”

13 percent of children have a diagnosed mental health problem There are many telephone numbers but when you are thinking of committing suicide it is very difficult to call It is important to make young people aware that they have to try to locate the people who harm them, what makes you feel bad People who have survived a suicide attempt have highlighted this Friday, in the event ‘Hope and action against silence, Mental health and suicide in young people and adolescents’, the importance of improving prevention, especially in the school environment, because “it is very complicated” to call the telephone numbers that exist to deal with these situations when you are immersed in the idea of ​​carrying it out. “Nobody knows how complicated it is at that moment to say that you are going to call. There are many telephone numbers but when you are with the idea of ​​committing suicide is very difficult to call. Therefore, what you have to do is prevent that phone from being called”, said the artist and protagonist of the documentary ‘La cursed word’, Alba Ruipérez. In addition, and after recounting her two suicide attempts, Ruipérez has stressed the need for teachers to know how to identify students who have “strange” behavior and communicate it to their families and that those affected know how to surround themselves with people who “understand the art of having a hard time.” Locating the people who hurt them “It is important to make young people aware that they have to try to locate the people who hurt them, which makes them feel bad and Tell your parents, siblings, friends, or anyone who makes you feel calm. There will always be someone who listens and, if not, they also have to know that there are telephone numbers to call and that can help them”, she argued. And, as the director of awareness and childhood policies has detailed in UNICEF Spain, Carmen Molina, 13 percent of children have a diagnosed mental health problem, and 80 million children between the ages of 10 and 14. “The 024 telephone is a tool that has proven to be cost-efficient in reducing cases of suicide worldwide, but it does not apply to the entire population. Children and adolescents do not call, so prevention must be addressed in this group from other areas, such as education,” added the head of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service at the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital, Ceslo Arango For her part, the survivor, coordinator and developer of the Teacher Training Plan for the prevention, detection and intervention of suicide of the Department of Education of Valencia and author of the book ‘I name you’, Dolors López, has assured that “the majority of suicides can be prevented”. A Public Health problem Having said this, López has also warned of the “lack of training” of Primary Care health professionals in matters of suicide, for which he has asked the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, present at the event, to carry out the necessary measures so that he is trained in suicidal behavior in the faculties of Medicine. Finally, the psychiatrist Luis Rojas Marcos has r Remembered that suicide is a multifactorial act and, therefore, requires a multidisciplinary approach. “It is a public health problem and needs to be addressed from health and educational centers”, he commented, to warn that “bullying is one of the problems that leads to suicides” and highlight the need to eliminate the “stigma which is associated with suicidal behaviour.