National Refoundation Council: associations of local elected officials finally agree to participate, after obtaining “pledges” from Emmanuel Macron – franceinfo

The associations of local elected representatives, bringing together the Regions of France, the Assembly of the Departments of France (ADF) and the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) will finally take part in the National Council for Refoundation (CNR), which is to be held at from Thursday, learned franceinfo, Monday, September 5, confirming information from a journalist from Le Parisien. After their meeting at the end of the afternoon with Emmanuel Macron, the associations of elected officials (Regions, ADF, AMF) will finally participate in the CNR. “The president has given pledges for a regular and direct dialogue (at least twice a year”, you explain to @franceinfo. – Margaux Duguet (@MargauxDuguet) September 5, 2022 The AMF, the ADF and the Regions of France, all three united under the common banner of United Territories, had decided, during a meeting on Friday morning, not to participate in the launch of the CNR.The associations of inter-municipal elected officials also challenged the President of the Republic on Monday. , in a letter that franceinfo was able to consult. The Intermunicipal associations of France and urban France (which bring together all the metropolises, large cities and agglomerations) regret not having been invited by Emmanuel Macron upstream of the CNR which must open Thursday, and this, “despite the central role of the intermunicipal level and the large cities in the implementation (…) of local public policies. “We are asking you to agree on a hearing as soon as possible in order to define the m modalities by which our territorial level will be fully considered in a complementary approach to the CNR”, specify the elected officials in the letter. >> National Refoundation Council: who takes part, who refuses to go and who hesitates? The inter-municipal associations, which represent a total of “1,200 living areas”, recall that all the associations of elected officials started last week “a cycle of meetings” initiated by the Minister for Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu, the Minister for Action and Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, and Minister Delegate for Local Authorities, Caroline Cayeux. The CNR body must bring together political actors, unions, associations and citizens around several major long-term reform themes, such as full employment, old age, health or education. However, the CNR will see its opening session in Marcoussis (Essonne) snubbed by a large part of the opposition. And several unions have on their side announced that they would go there, with reservations. Faced with this boycott, Elisabeth Borne deplored that the other parties “refused the discussion”, while ensuring that “the door would remain open”.