What will the saving of 15 percent of electricity, which Sulík expects from you, do to your monthly bill – Denník N

Electricity prices for households will probably rise, even if the government manages to conclude an agreement on cheap supplies with Slovak Power Plants. Sulík’s estimate, with which he came to power on Monday, was too optimistic. Without an agreement with the power plants, residents are threatened with at least a threefold increase in the total price. Richard Sulík (SaS) just before leaving the chair of the Minister of Economy showed the electricity prices that households should pay for next year. He presented them in a table that he had printed on A4 paper and brought to Monday’s government meeting. At it, the ministers were to discuss measures against rising energy prices. However, they did not approve anything, according to the state secretary of the Ministry of Economy, Karol Galek (SaS), the meeting was only “informative”. The sums shown to journalists by Minister Sulík should be paid only on the assumption that the redistribution of discounted electricity from Slovenské elektrární will be completed. Sulík repeated that the price of basic – so-called power electricity should be the same as this year, ie 61 euros per megawatt hour. Sulík also tried to make an estimate of the total price, which, in addition to power electricity, also includes other fees, but several of them are not yet known. At first glance, from Sulík’s calculations, it looks like the total price should drop slightly year-on-year. However, according to information from the market, one should rather prepare for a slight increase, since two unknown fees are the ones that are to be increased. Their amount will be determined by the Office for the Regulation of Network Industries (ÚRSO) before the beginning of next year. He has not yet commented on them. Sulík’s estimate, which he brought to the government, Denník E looked at the numbers and supplemented them with his own calculations and information that he managed to obtain from the government’s deliberations. Unlike Sulík, they expect a significant increase in two fees, which finance the distribution and long-distance transmission of electricity. Based on this information, we estimated the difference in monthly payments for electricity for the household, depending on whether it manages to save at least 15 percent of consumption compared to the reference year, which should be 2020. Cheap electricity from Slovak Power Plants is supposed to be only for the first 85 percent consumption, since the government did not equip more. The differences between individual households range from 30 euros per month to almost 100 euros, depending on what the client uses the electricity for. In a year after that, the difference can be more than a thousand euros. We have calculated the differences for three types of households: You have a low electricity consumption in your household and you do not use it for heating or water heating. Your consumption is higher, for example, because you work much more from home and use many energy-intensive appliances. You live in a household with electric heating and hot water. This is how the result of saving in monthly electricity bills will be reflected according to the estimate of Journal E: To read, you need at least a standard subscription. Are you a subscriber? Log in