Misfortune on the first day of school. Schoolgirls were hit by a driver who ignored a red | TVNOVINY.sk – TVNOVINY.sk

Updated 16:09 September 5, 2022, 13:28 A female driver hit four schoolgirls at a pedestrian crossing in Trnava on the first day of school. The girls were crossing a properly marked crossing, but the woman behind the wheel did not respect the red light on the traffic light. One of the friends had to be taken to the hospital. According to our information, he is in the trauma center with a concussion and a broken pelvis. In this connection, the traffic police on Hlboka Street, where the accident took place, stopped traffic during lunch and redirected it to other streets. One schoolgirl was taken to the hospital “Four friends were walking along a properly marked passage when a silver Peugeot 206 crashed into them,” the police report on the social network. ​According to the police, the car was driven by a 48-year-old woman who did not respect the red light at the traffic light. There was a collision with schoolgirls. Police say two 14-year-old girls suffered superficial injuries. The third girl of the same age ended up in the hands of rescuers. She was taken to the Trnava hospital with injuries. The fourth, a 13-year-old schoolgirl, was not injured in the accident. “I heard a big bang and then I saw her lying there. People were already there, an ambulance was there, everything,” said a witness immediately after the accident. According to witnesses, the driver was confused and could not explain how this could have happened to her. The police confiscated her driver’s license on the spot. The police also informs that no alcohol was detected in the driver’s breath and they continue to investigate the exact causes and circumstances of the accident. The police appeal to drivers to be more careful on the roads. Alena Krčová, spokeswoman for the Operation Center of the Emergency Medical Service (OSZZS) of the Slovak Republic, confirmed the intervention of rescuers for TASR. “I can confirm the intervention of the rescuers we sent to help the minor. Considering that it is a child, however, I cannot provide more information about the course of the medical intervention or the extent of the injuries,” she said.