Jasmina Alagič from Rytmus was speechless: Shocking revelation in public! – Azet

The presenter and wife of rapper Patrik Rytmus Vrbovský experienced a huge shock. During the hosting of the jockey show Czechoslovakia has talent, she already encountered quite bizarre situations, but she will not easily forget what happened last weekend. It was about her husband, who, together with project director Jeff Minařík, prepared a big surprise not only for the audience, but also for Jasmina herself. Rytmus disguised himself as a regular member of Czechoslovakia has talent, Mr. Jozef Pátrovič himself. During the conversation with Mr. Pátrovič, Rytmus came into the picture, pretending to be his brother. “My name is Eugen Pátrovič,” he introduced himself to the jury. “What kind of person is this?” cried the real Mr. Pátrovič from backstage. “Today I sing for you,” said Rytmus to Pátrovič. “That you pretended to be my brother? You are not my brother and you never will be!” said Mr. Pátrovič to his “doppelgänger”. Rytmus told on stage that he is the secret brother of Mr. Jozef. When he started to sing, Mr. Pátrovič changed his mind and said with a smile that he would like such a brother. After the revelation mask’s wife, Jasmina, was left in shock. Over time, the presenter decided to comment on the whole matter on the social network. “No one except Pať and the boss had any idea what was actually going on. But a heart attack at 33 is a terrible experience and I still don’t understand. My husband is simply a king, I don’t understand how he gave all this. And I won’t say how many times he was with Mr. Patrovič to make sure he accepted his apology. We all had a lot of fun, this can only happen in the Czech Republic, Slovakia has talent. I love!” the surprised presenter wrote on her Instagram account.