Iberia Express operates 58 flights until 4:00 p.m. today without incident due to the USO strike

MADRID, 5 (EUROPA PRESS) Iberia Express has operated 58 flights until 4:00 p.m. today, which have passed without incident related to the penultimate day of strike of the ten called by USO, as reported in a statement. Departure punctuality is 89.7%, having registered six flights with a delay of more than 15 minutes caused by operational reasons “totally unrelated to the strike”. The company has explained that three round-trip flights were canceled in advance: one to Gran Canaria, one to Mallorca and another to Santiago. 100% of the passengers affected by these cancellations have already been relocated to other flights of Iberia Express, Iberia or other airlines, or alternative means of transport, in line with the commitment to minimize the impact of stoppages on customers. The airline has also launched a flexibility plan that reflects the different actions taken, as well as the status of the flights until September 6. Ultimately, the company has regretted the inconvenience this situation is causing and apologizes to all customers.