Energy crisis, superprofits, sobriety: what to remember from the statements of Emmanuel Macron

Published on: 05/09/2022 – 18:48 The French president gave a press conference on Monday after meeting by videoconference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, during which he discussed various energy issues. In particular, he came out in favor of a European response to the energy crisis. Emmanuel Macron defended, Monday, September 5, a European response to the current energy crisis by speaking out in particular for a reform of the functioning of the mechanism determining the price of electricity and by opening the door to an exceptional financial contribution from certain companies. of the sector. He also announced that France would increase its gas export capacities to Germany and that the latter had agreed to deliver electricity to France if necessary. At European level, ” we are in favor of common gas purchasing practices”, explained the Head of State during a press conference. In addition, “if the Commission were to decide to put a ceiling on the price of gas purchased through the gas pipelines from Russia, France would support such a measure”, he added.>> To read – Soaring prices electricity in France: “The prices are completely insane” He also defended the principle of a “European contribution mechanism” from energy operators “whose production costs are much lower than the selling price on the market”, referring to “undue profits”. This contribution, he explained, could be returned to the Member States to finance national measures. The French president also judged that “the price [de l’électricité] must be formed more coherently” and advocated an increased fight against speculative practices on the energy market. Firm opposition to the MidCat gas pipeline projectEmmanuel Macron, on the other hand, expressed his firm opposition to the relaunch of the MidCat gas pipeline project ( Midi-Catalonia), believing that it did not respond to current issues.”I do not understand the short-term problem that we are trying to solve […]. I do not understand how we would jump like Pyrenean goats on this subject”, declared the French president. “I am not convinced that we need more gas interconnections, there is no evidence of need today, tomorrow”, he insisted. However, he added, if Olaf Scholz or the President of the Spanish government Pedro Sanchez were to demonstrate to him the contrary, “I am ready to review my position “Spain and Portugal have significant gas import capacities and the German Chancellor, in particular, again suggested the MidCat option in August to improve the interconnections of the gas network in Europe. opposed for a long time, arguing in particular the cost of the project, and favoring the installation of new LNG terminals.>> To read: Gas, electricity: what scenarios in France in the event of a shortage of energy? Emmanuel Macron also called on the French to “be at the rendezvous of sobriety” to avoid rationing this winter by achieving 10% energy savings. “The solution is in our hands”, declared the president in front of the press, calling for “changing behaviors” such as that of “putting the air conditioning a little less strong” and “the heating a little less strong than usual” when ‘it will be cold, citing the temperature of 19 degrees. Already acute, the energy crisis in Europe took a new step on Friday with the announcement by the Russian public group Gazprom of the indefinite halt to its deliveries by the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, which supplies several countries including Germany. The price of gas on the futures market in the Netherlands, which serves as a benchmark, gained up to 35% on Monday. With Reuters