The government takes legal action after “serious malfunctions” at the Marseille IHU under the direction of Didier Raoult – franceinfo

The work carried out under the direction of Didier Raoult again in the viewfinder. The Ministers of Health and Research took legal action on Monday, September 5 after the publication of a new report on the Marseille IHU, which confirms “serious malfunctions” when this scientific institute was under the direction of the now famous teacher. This final administrative report from the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (Igas), published on Monday, “highlights serious malfunctions of the IHU”, and “several elements” are “likely to constitute offenses or serious breaches of the regulations in terms of health or research”, declare the ministers François Braun and Sylvie Retailleau in a joint press release. They specify that they have seized the public prosecutor of Marseille. In the light of this damning document, the ministers point to “certain widespread inappropriate medical and scientific practices” within the Mediterranean Infection University Hospital Institute (IHU-MI) created in 2011, and directed by Professor Didier Raoult until the end of August. He was replaced on September 1 by one of his relatives, Pierre-Edouard Fournier. Practices “not complying with the regulations and which may generate a health risk for patients, in particular during research protocols”, “drifts in management practices, which may generate harassment and ill-being at work”, “Drifts in governance, which does not strictly respect the rules governing the foundations of scientific cooperation”, specifies the press release. A gradual deterioration in the institution’s financial situation is also mentioned. The report from Igas and its counterpart for higher education and research (Igesr) covers a wider field than a previous report, already scathing, published a few months ago by the Medicines Agency (ANSM) . Extracts from its preliminary version were released in early July by La Provence and Mediapart. Among other practices “likely to fall under a criminal qualification”, the Igas-Igesr inspectors note that patients treated at the IHU for Covid-19 or tuberculosis were administered “molecules outside their authorization to marketing”.