Storms: twelve departments, including those of Ile-de-France, placed in orange vigilance – franceinfo

A stormy episode is expected on Monday, “with a risk of locally violent gusts”, warns Météo France. Article written by Published on 05/09/2022 14:12 Updated on 05/09/2022 14:31 Reading time: 1 min. Twelve departments (Cher, Loiret, Oise, Aisne, as well as the eight departments of Ile-de-France) are concerned by the orange vigilance triggered Monday, September 5 by Météo France. “In the middle of the afternoon, a stormy line is expected, which will form towards the Center-Val-de-Loire, to rise quickly and circulate towards Ile-de-France then Hauts-de-France”, details the operator in its bulletin. The stormy episode is expected in the middle of the afternoon with a risk of locally violent gusts, up to 110 km / h, warns Météo France. These storms will give precipitation “between 10 and 20 mm, even 40 mm in places”, as well as hail and marked electrical activity. 12 dpts in #vigilanceOrangeStay informed on — VigiMétéoFrance (@VigiMeteoFrance) September 5, 2022 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share by email Share the link