Lesmes warns of the “unsustainable” situation of the Judiciary and affirms that he has “no hope” in its renewal – elDiario.es

The president of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), Carlos Lesmes, has warned this Monday of the “unfortunate” and “unsustainable” situation in which the governing body of the judges finds itself, which is heading towards four years in office . Upon his arrival at the inauguration of the State Attorney General, Álvaro García, Lesmes has stated that he has “no hope” in the renewal of his members, which has to be agreed by a three-fifths majority of the members of the General cuts. The current governing body of the judges has ten members elected at the proposal of the PP, six from the PSOE, one from the IU and another from the PNV. At the head is Lesmes, who was a high position in the governments of José María Aznar. Lesmes has discharged responsibility for the situation of paralysis in which he finds himself in the CGPJ in those who “do not renew”. That is, “the Congress, the Senate and the parties represented there.” In this sense, he has lamented that the body is not renewed and that it is “prevented from acting”, alluding to the reform that prevents the CGPJ from making key appointments in the judicial leadership with the mandate extended. Until the approval of this rule, he had made 74 appointments in the main courts, 21 of them in the Supreme Court, where they are considered especially sensitive because these positions, unless resigned, are maintained until retirement, set for judges and magistrates at 72 years. According to Lesmes, the circumstances that are taking place in the Supreme Court are “devastating”. “Within not long there will be rooms that will not be able to regularly constitute their sections. In a few months, the Central Military Tribunal will not be able to act because it will be without all its members”, he stated. “Enormous damage is being done to the Spanish Justice,” he added. The president has also affirmed that the CGPJ must make “without any doubt” the appointments of the Constitutional Court that correspond to it, although he has warned that it is possible that an agreement will not be reached next Thursday, when an extraordinary plenary session is convened to deal with this issue. “The appointments of the CGPJ are not easy, because it is difficult to find wills directed towards the same person. And that is the difficulty. It is difficult to unite those wills ”, he asserted. On the other hand, he has also denied having carried out maneuvers to reach the Constitutional Court and has ruled himself out to be a candidate for the guarantee body in “the immediate future.” “It would seem indecent to me that I took advantage of the position to obtain that advantage. Whoever is saying otherwise is self-interestedly lying. I have no intention of going to CT under the current circumstances. And in the immediate future of course not either. And in three years, five, six, I don’t know, ”he insisted.