Family ordeal in Pas-de-Calais: the children’s aunt defends the parents accused of abuse

The sister-in-law of the father of the family tried to justify the various abuses to which the various members of the siblings were subjected. A common plunged into incomprehension. A couple from Noyelles-Sous-Lens, in Pas-de-Calais, will be tried in January, suspected of violence and educational deficiencies, after the discovery by the police on Tuesday of two of their ten children tied to high chairs, in a situation of “deplorable hygiene”, we learned from the public prosecutor’s office on Sunday. the situation.”These are young children who, if they step on the ground, can bump into each other too,” she begins. couldn’t take care of all her children at the same time, that’s normal”, she adds again, as if to try to clear her relatives of the ill-treatment of which they are accused. Children tied up, deplorable hygiene The family situation had been denounced by one of the oldest siblings, and the prosecution was notified on August 30 by a sign also from Childhood Social Assistance (ASE), Béthune public prosecutor Thierry Dran told AFP, confirming information from the Voix du Nord. When the police intervened, they “found that two children aged two and five” were “attached to high chairs, so as not to move”, and in a “deplorable state of hygiene”, he continued. However, “it cannot be said” that they were covered in excrement, as reported by some media, he said. The parents, a 44-year-old man and a 40-year-old woman, are suspected of “subtraction by ascendant from legal obligations” and “violence of a minor under 15 by ascendant”, without ITT (total incapacity for work).