Latest news from Russia’s war in Ukraine on Monday, September 5

A Ukrainian official suggests that the IAEA mission to the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant was “ineffective” The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant during a visit by members of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Friday. (Photo: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)/Handout/Reuters) A senior Ukrainian official says the government is still waiting for a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency on the situation at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant and suggested that the IAEA mission it is “ineffective”. “We don’t understand if everything is normal there in terms of safety, cooling of the reactors, with the personnel, if they understand the algorithms by which they work. We did not see all this in the report, and this shows that the international institutions, unfortunately, they are completely ineffective,” Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, told Ukrainian television on Monday. Podolyak claimed that a “nuclear audit” should be carried out at the plant, including “a certain number of people who know nuclear physics and engineering technologies” working alongside Ukrainian personnel. Although occupied by Russian forces, the plant is largely run by Ukrainian technicians. “There are Russian troops who don’t understand what’s going on there, they don’t correctly assess the risks. But there are a certain number of our workers there who need some kind of protection, that there are people from the international community alongside them,” Podolyak said. The weekend appears to have passed relatively quietly in the area around the plant, which has been under constant bombardment for weeks, some of which has damaged the plant’s infrastructure, according to the IAEA. On Friday of last week, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said the organization knows “much more” about the state of the plant after his visit last week. A team of inspectors will have a “continuous presence” at the plant, Grossi said.