Summary of the constitutional plebiscite of Chile 2022: the “rejection” won

People with flags and hands during a demonstration in favor of the draft constitution proposed by the assembly on September 1, 2022 in Santiago, Chile. Credit: Jonnathan Oyarzun/Getty Images The text seeks to replace the Political Constitution of Chile, promulgated in 1980 at the time of the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet, and was prepared by the Constitutional Convention that emerged from the plebiscite of October 2020 (when the “yes” the constitutional reform had a support of 78%), which in turn was a consequence of the wave of violent protests in the country and their repression. It took the Constitutional Convention 12 months to prepare this draft Constitution, which in its final draft has 388 articles organized in 11 chapters. In its first article, part of the general principles and provisions, it is established that “Chile is a social and democratic state of law. It is multinational, intercultural, regional and ecological.” Also, that the country “is constituted as a solidary republic”. “Its (Chilean) democracy is inclusive and parity. It recognizes dignity, freedom, the substantive equality of human beings and their indissoluble relationship with nature as intrinsic and inalienable values.” The 10 pillars of the project and their differences with the current Constitution According to the official website of the Constitutional Convention, the draft is based on 10 pillars that bring together “fundamental elements and most relevant regulations.” These are its main provisions and the differences with the current text. Democracy – The new Constitution is based on a democracy where power “resides in the people, by and for the people”, and with attention to transparency, equality, freedom of thought and expression. It also contemplates, unlike the current text, participatory democracy mechanisms, including the popular initiative of law and the participation of territorial entities and indigenous peoples and nations. KEEP READING HERE.