Energy. A tariff shield in 2023 to avoid catastrophe? – Insolentiae

Energy: the tariff shield maintained in 2023… but under what contours and with what aid? Several avenues are mentioned, such as a general increase of 20%. For the moment, the blocking of increases for the year 2022 costs the State more than 10 billion euros, in particular because of this history of energy prices imposed by Europe. Depending on what is currently being negotiated in Brussels, new room for maneuver may appear for the government and this is eminently desirable since the current price rise is totally delusional and unbearable for all economic players. At this rate, no longer a single municipal swimming pool will be able to heat its water, no longer a single private school will be able to heat its students, no longer a single factory will be able to continue to operate and I am not talking about traders or even restaurateurs. Our economy cannot operate without an energy price that is compatible with production costs and everyone’s living income. “Bruno Le Maire ensures that energy prices could double in 2023 “without a tariff shield”. However, the Minister did not specify at what level of increase the ceiling would be introduced, while stressing that this should be announced soon. He also explained “provide in the finance bill for 2023 for budgetary appropriations which will allow, in the event of a significant increase, to support the most modest”. In the same vein, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, had specified that “energy checks” would be put in place for the households most in difficulty”. A multiplication of prices by 5 is quite simply unacceptable and the public authorities will have to subsidize energy prices. It should also be noted that it is essential to also protect companies, because it is the productive system that can be affected and therefore employment. Factories in Germany are shutting down and it is a major economic mistake to let companies lower the curtains and turn off the lights. Charles SANNAT “This is a ‘presslib’ article, that is to say free of reproduction in whole or in part provided that this paragraph is reproduced after it. is the site on which Charles Sannat expresses himself daily and delivers an impertinent and uncompromising analysis of economic news. Thank you for visiting my site. You can subscribe to the daily newsletter free of charge at » Source here