Iberia Express will operate 94% of scheduled flights on Monday on the penultimate day of the strike called by USO – Europa Press

MADRID, Sep 5. (EUROPA PRESS) – The airline Iberia Express has canceled in advance and preventively a total of three round trip flights scheduled for this Monday. The objective is to protect its clients and minimize the effects of the USO strike, which is now in its ninth day. In order to mitigate the effect of the strike on customers, Iberia Express has relocated 100% of the affected passengers to other flights or alternative means of transport. This Sunday, the eighth day of the strike and the last day of Operation Return, all the flights operated by Iberia Express passed without incident due to the strike, according to the company, and the few delays that occurred were not related to said strike. Yesterday, September 4, the 95 flights operated by Iberia Express passed without incidents related to the strike called by the USO union, transporting 14,200 passengers. The day closed with a punctuality of 92.6%, having recorded 7 flights with delays of more than 15 minutes caused by operational reasons totally unrelated to the USO strike. Today, Monday, September 5, Iberia Express plans to operate a total of 93 flights, which represent 94% of scheduled flights, since the airline has canceled in advance and preventively 3 round trip flights (1 to Gran Canaria, 1 to Mallorca and 1 to Santiago) scheduled for today. Iberia Express ensures that it has relocated 100% of the affected passengers to other flights of Iberia Express, Iberia or other airlines or alternative means of transport. The airline has activated a flexibility plan for all customers with a flight until September 6 so that they can request a change of dates for the same route or a voucher with the total amount of the reservation, if they so wish, and they can also Check the status of your flight at any time on this website created for this purpose: https://blog.iberiaexpress.com/informacion-huelga/. RYANAIR RECORD 31 DELAYS For its part, the low-cost airline Ryanair, whose TCPs are also on strike until January 2023, has recorded a total of 31 delays early this Monday, without registering any cancellation. The main airport affected this Monday was Barcelona with a total of 7 delays (3 departures and 4 arrivals), followed by Palma de Mallorca with 6 delays (2 departures and 4 arrivals), Malaga with 5 delays (3 in departures and 2 in arrivals), Seville with 5 delays (3 in departures and 2 in arrivals), and Valencia with 2 delays (one in departure and one in arrivals. In Madrid there have been three delays in arrivals and in Girona, Santiago de Compostela and Ibiza, a delay in arrivals In Alicante there has been no delay.