A 15-year-old boy shot dead Monday in Besançon – Le Figaro

A 15-year-old boy died on Sunday after being seriously injured by bullets on Monday in the Planoise district of Besançon, against a backdrop of drug trafficking, we learned from a source familiar with the matter. The victim died Sunday around 6 p.m. at the hospital, said this source. Monday in the middle of the afternoon, the teenager and another 16-year-old, still hospitalized on Sunday, were hit in the chest by projectiles of 9 millimeters, explained after the fact the public prosecutor of Besançon Etienne Manteaux. The shooter or shooters moved a priori “on foot”, he added. To read also France undermined by violence: the real causes of this contagion According to the first investigations, “the alleged lever of the transition to act would be drug trafficking, “said the source familiar with the matter. “Besançon has just experienced a new dramatic stage linked to drug trafficking which plagues cities and kills our young people”, reacted on Twitter on Monday the environmental mayor of Besançon Anne Vignot who participated Friday in a rally against violence in this popular district in the west of the city. “I call for appeasement. We have to get out of this spiral of violence,” the prefect of Doubs Jean-François Colombet told Est Républicain, fearing reprisals. On August 14 and 16, two brothers were also shot and wounded in the same neighborhood. . The investigation carried out jointly by the judicial police and the departmental security of Besançon has not yet established a possible link between these two episodes of shootings. CRS specialized in the fight against urban violence in the neighborhoods sensitive arrived Monday evening in Besançon to ensure that calm is maintained. disputed the control of drug trafficking. This gang war had given rise to 18 episodes of exchanges of fire, resulting in 11 injuries in total on both sides, including minors, and a death of 23 years. on the homicide is still in progress, but a total of 57 people have been indicted for these episodes of shooting, seven of whom have already been sentenced to terms of 3 to 10 years in prison. Others are to be tried in the fall.