At least 10 dead and 15 injured in a multiple stabbing in Canada

Deputy Commissioner Rhonda Blackmore speaks next to images of Damien Sanderson and Myles Sanderson during a Royal Canadian Mounted Police conference in Regina, Saskatchewan province, on September 4, 2022. Michael Bell (AP) At least 10 people have died this Sunday and 15 others have been hospitalized with injuries from a multiple stabbing in the province of Saskatchewan, in central Canada, according to a Canadian Mounted Police spokeswoman. At a press conference, the spokeswoman explained that the authorities have identified the alleged perpetrators of the attack as Damien Sanderson, 31, and Myles Sanderson, 30, who are unaccounted for and are being sought by the police. Attacks have been perpetrated in various places. In total, authorities have counted 13 crime scenes that officers are investigating, according to police, but they are concentrated on the James Smith Cree Nation Indian reservation. From there came the first notice, at 5:40 in the morning, local time, which minutes later were followed by new reports of stabbings received through multiple calls. At 07:14, the RCMP issued its first alert and at 08:01 updated it with the identities of the suspects. ”, said Rhonda Blackmore, commanding officer of the Saskatchewan Mounted Police, in a statement to the press, later released as a statement. There may be additional injured victims who have been transferred to various hospitals, the police spokeswoman added, which he added: “What has happened today in our province is horrible”. It is the most serious attack in recent history in Saskatchewan and the third largest in recent decades in Canada. Forensic investigators work at the scene of one of the stabbings, in Weldon, Saskatchewan. Heywood Yu (AP) In April 2020, In Portapique, Nova Scotia, a gunman posing as a police officer killed at least 16 people during a 12-hour rampage in the country’s worst mass shooting in modern times. In Montreal (Quebec), in December 1989, an armed man killed 14 students, all women, and wounded 13 at the Polytechnic School before committing suicide.Join EL PAÍS to follow all the news and read without limits.SubscribeThe first Minister lamented what happened: “Today’s attacks in Saskatchewan are horrible and heartbreaking. I think of those who have lost a loved one and those who have been injured, ”he wrote on Twitter. “We are closely monitoring the situation, and urge everyone to follow updates from local authorities. Thanks to all the brave response teams for their efforts on the ground”, he added. Also the premier or regional leader of Saskatchewan, Scott Moe, has offered his condolences to the families: “There are no words to adequately describe the pain and loss caused by this senseless violence. All of Saskatchewan mourns the victims and their families,” he wrote on Twitter. The suspects “There are multiple victims in multiple locations, including the James Smith Cree Nation [una comunidad indígena] and Weldon [un pequeño pueblo de la provincia]”, the police had indicated in one of their alerts. According to the police description of the suspects, Damien Sanderson measures 1.70 meters and weighs about 70 kilos, has black hair and brown eyes. Myles Sanderson is 1.80 meters tall and weighs about 108 kilos, he has brown hair and eyes. “This is a rapidly developing situation. We urge the public to take appropriate precautions, ”indicates the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP, for its acronym in English). Map of the province of Saskatchewan, with the locations of the attacks and main cities. Associated Press according to which the suspects could be traveling in a black Nissan Rogue in the area of ​​Regina, the provincial capital, about 320 kilometers south of where the stabbings have occurred. “If you are in the Regina area, please take precautions and consider sheltering in place. Do not leave a safe place. Be careful when allowing other people to enter your residence. Do not approach suspicious people. Do not pick up hitchhikers. Report suspicious people, emergencies or information to 911. Do not reveal the location of the police”, he indicates. The police do not know if they may have changed cars. For its part, the Regina Police Service has indicated that it is “working with the RCMP to locate and arrest the suspects” and that it “has provided additional investigative resources, working in a cooperative, diligent, and prompt with the RCMP.” Police have also deployed additional resources for public safety throughout the city, including Sunday’s Mosaic Stadium football game between the Saskatchewan Roughriders, Regina, and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. The local team has also reported in a statement that it was preparing to reinforce security measures. The James Smith Cree Nation, where the attacks have been concentrated, is an indigenous reservation with a population of about 3,000 inhabitants, located northeast of Saskatoon , the most populous city in the province. He has declared a state of emergency. The province of Saskatchewan, with an area larger than that of Spain, has just under 1.2 million inhabitants. Most concentrated in the south. The area is considered the granary of Canada, due to its abundant wheat harvests, and it also has rich mining resources. Subscribe here to the EL PAÍS América newsletter and receive all the key information on current affairs in the region.