Beatified John Paul I, the short-lived pope whose sudden death was suspicious – Euronews

John Paul I, the ephemeral pope, has been beatified this Sunday in Rome. He is credited with the miraculous healing of an Argentine girl who was dying but who recovered thanks to the prayers of a local priest invoking him. Thousands of people were present in St. Peter’s Square in Rome, including the president of the Italian republic, Sergio Mattarella. Albino Luciani, was the last Italian pope, remembered for his eternal smile. This was highlighted by the current pontiff, Francisco. “With his smile, Pope Luciani managed to convey the goodness of the Lord. A Church with a cheerful, serene and smiling face is beautiful, which never closes its doors.” Since his sudden death, in September 1978, after only 33 days of pontificate, theories circulate about its possible elimination. It was said that he would have been poisoned because he wanted to put order in the financial malpractices of the Vatican bank. The vice-postulator for his beatification, Stefania Falasca, refutes these theories. that of a violent death of this pope. In the death report, and in all the documentation we have reviewed, including declassified professional medical material, there is absolutely no doubt that he died of sudden death, due to a heart problem. “Born in 1912 in a humble family in northern Italy, John Paul I was very sensitive to poverty and defended the idea of ​​a fair salary for all. In addition to standing out for his simplicity, he made him simplify the protocol.