Argentina: five dead from pneumonia caused by bacteria

A total of 11 people showed symptoms of pneumonia and six are still under treatment, three of whom are still hospitalized. Argentina, announced the province’s Ministry of Health. “He is a 64-year-old man with commorbidities who was in serious condition in a public hospital,” the ministry said in a statement. A total of 11 people presented similar symptoms, and six are still under treatment, three of whom are still hospitalized, according to the province’s Health Minister, Luis Medina Cruz. The agent who caused the outbreak of pneumonia bilateral “is legionella”, said the day before the Argentine Minister of Health Carla Vizzotti at a press conference in Tucuman, adding that the precise type of legionella was being identified. Eleven cases in total have been identified, centered in tower of a private clinic in San Miguel de Tucuman, capital of the province of Tucuman. Before him, two members of the nursing staff of the private clinic had died, then a 70-year-old woman, a patient in this same clinic where she had undergone surgical procedures. Initial examinations had made it possible to eliminate Covid-19, the flu , type A and B influenza and hantaviruses (transmitted by rodents) as the cause of these pneumonias. Samples had been sent to the Malbran Institute in Buenos Aires, a national reference for infectious diseases, whose minister delivered the first results.Legionellosis is a serious pulmonary infection of bacterial origin, the contamination of which can be done by the respiratory route by inhaling the bacteria, “through d e water or air conditioning”, recalled the Minister Carla Vizzotti. The president of the Medical College of the province of Tucuman, Hector Sale, had stressed this week that the pathology observed in Tucuman was “aggressive”, but that It was not a priori a disease resulting in transmission from person to person, “due to the fact that the close contacts of these patients do not show any symptoms”.