Nirvana: American justice rejects the complaint of the baby from the album “Nevermind” who has become a grown-up – 20 Minutes

A California judge has dismissed a child pornography lawsuit filed by the now-adult baby, who appears nude on the cover of Nirvana’s legendary 1991 album Nevermind, a court document dated Friday shows. Los Angeles Judge Fernando Olguin dismissed the complaint, in particular on the grounds of limitation, according to this document. At the end of August 2021, a month before the 30th anniversary of the release of the album, Spencer Elden, now thirty, had filed a first complaint, followed by a second in January 2022 after a first rejection for other reasons, in saying victim of “commercial exploitation of child pornography images”. Photographed in 1991 at the age of four months, Spencer Elden appears naked in a swimming pool on the cover of Nevermind, the gaze leering on a hanging dollar bill on a hook. With legendary tracks like Smells Like Teen Spirit, the cult album sold over 30 million copies, becoming a rock benchmark. financial compensation for the photo and claimed that his parents had not given permission to use his image in this way, sought $150,000 in damages from each of the 15 people he was suing, including the former members of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain’s executor, Courtney Love, and photographer, Kirk Weddle. In a memorandum responding to the complaint and filed, their attorneys argued instead that “Elden has spent three decades enjoying his fame as the self-proclaimed ‘Baby Nirvana’.” “He remade the photo in exchange for remuneration on numerous occasions; he got the title of the album Nevermind tattooed on his chest, […] he autographed copies of the album cover to sell on eBay and he used that link to try to hit on women,” they listed.