Family ordeal in Pas-de-Calais: the couple suspected of abuse will be tried in January

The parents, a 44-year-old man and a 40-year-old woman, are suspected of “subtraction by ascendant from legal obligations” and “violence of a 15-year-old minor by ascendant”, without ITT (total incapacity for work). A couple of Noyelles-Sous-Lens (Pas-de-Calais) will be tried in January, suspected of violence and educational deficiencies, after the discovery Tuesday by the police of two of their ten children tied to high chairs, in a situation “of deplorable hygiene”, we learned on Sunday from the prosecution. The family situation was denounced by one of the eldest of the siblings, and the prosecution was notified on August 30 by a report from the Social Aid childhood (ASE), indicated the public prosecutor of Béthune, Thierry Dran, confirming information from the Voix du Nord. When the police intervened, they “found that two children aged two and five” were ” tied to high chairs, so they don’t move”, and in a “sanitary state of deplorable”, he continued. However “one cannot say” that they were covered with excrement, as reported by some media, he specified. Lack of hygiene and educational deficiencies ” serious “The parents, a 44-year-old man and a 40-year-old woman, are suspected of “subtraction by ascendant from legal obligations” and “violence of a minor aged 15 by ascendant”, without ITT (total incapacity for work). “What is reproached is above all the total lack of hygiene, and serious educational deficiencies”, or “the fact of not having taken care of his children in a normal way”, specified the prosecutor. The children, however, show “no signs of serious abuse that would have caused scars”, he added. The family has a total of ten children aged between 4 months and 24 years, including seven minors, and “the facts are alleged on all the minors and one of the adults”, potential facts on the two eldest being prescribed. The Secretary of State responsible for children on the spot The seven minors were the subject of a placement order provisional. Placed in police custody on August 31, the parents were brought before a judge and placed under judicial supervision, with a ban on contact with their children, and obligations of care. They will be tried on January 24. Following this case, Charlotte Caubel, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, in charge of children, announced Sunday evening that she would go to Pas-de-Calais on Monday , to talk “with local child protection actors, and “to take stock of the identification and management of this situation” or even “the protection of all children in the department”.