Symptoms that warn of a rise in sugar in the body – Las Provincias

Sugar rises usually occur gradually. / PHOTOLIAA high level of glucose in the blood can be dangerous for the body if it is not detected in timeTV Monday, September 5, 2022, 00:40 The rises and falls of blood sugar can generate dangerous situations in which the body can lead to put at risk if we are unable to detect them and act quickly. For this reason, it is vital to know how to identify if we are facing one or the other in order to intervene immediately and effectively in the event of a glucose peak or deficit in the body. Increases in blood sugar are called hyperglycemia, and their symptoms should not be confused with the opposite (hypoglycemia). Its symptoms occur when glucose levels increase from normal, something that usually occurs gradually and not suddenly, so its signs can be detected and gives us a margin of action. When faced with a rise in blood sugar, the main thing is to stay relaxed, avoid alcohol and drink plenty of fluids, about two liters of water a day, to avoid dehydration. These are the symptoms that indicate that your glucose levels have increased above normal: – Cold sweats – Increased thirst – Weight loss – Convulsions – Nausea – Lethargy – Increased urge to urinate – Looseness and general weakness – Blurred vision or dizziness It is recommended that if you notice any of these symptoms, see your doctor to find the safest way for you to lower your blood sugar. In diabetic people, these symptoms must be controlled especially, since eating certain foods, doing a certain amount of exercise or even the way of taking insulin can cause a rise in glucose. Therefore, it is essential that these three aspects in these cases are regulated as well as possible to avoid spikes in blood sugar. ç