Cherry Tomato: Nutrients, Benefits, and Uses – Step To Health – Step To Health

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Precisely, due to its pigments, it also stands out as an abundant source of antioxidants. Do you want to know more about its properties? Below, we share them in detail.Characteristics and origin of the cherry tomatoThe cherry tomato (Lycopersicum pimpinellifolium) is a variety of the classic tomato that receives this name due to its resemblance to the cherry. Other names by which it is known are “cocktail tomato”, “grape” or “cerasiform”. It is a berry-type fruit, whose colors vary from red to green, through orange, yellow, blue or black. . They measure between one and three centimeters in diameter and weigh between 10 and 15 grams. Their shape is round or oval, depending on the variety. And despite being firm on the outside, it is very juicy on the inside. Among other things, its flavor is predominantly sweet with a slight acid touch. Some known varieties are the following: Cherry pear. Yellow cherry. mini cherries Round cherry. Kumato. Zebras. Hanging tomato. The cherry tomato is an abundant source of polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. Origin The cherry tomato is considered a probable ancestor of the traditional tomato. It was first discovered in the Andes region. Although it was in Peru where it was first cultivated, others think that it dates back to Aztec Mexico. Ecuadorian and Chilean cuisine also tends to use it as part of their traditions. With the Spanish conquest it was brought to the European market. At first it was used as an ornamental plant, but from the eighteenth century it began to be used as a food source. Currently, crops have been improved to modify their size, flavor and resistance.Nutritional values ​​of the cherry tomatoNo matter the size of the cherry tomato, its nutritional value is as important as that of the traditional tomato. It is considered a low-calorie fruit with high hydration power, since 100 grams or about 7 units, barely provide 18 calories and more than 90 grams of water. Its fat and protein values ​​are very low, since they do not reach at 0.5 grams. However, its carbohydrates are close to 4 grams per 100 grams. Of these, 2.6 grams are simple sugars such as fructose, sucrose and glucose. This allows their rapid absorption in the intestine, which turns them into a source of energy. The rest of the carbohydrates are of the dietary fiber type, with 1.2 grams per 100 grams of cherry tomato. Within the vitamins, vitamin C stands out —with 26 milligrams per 100 grams— and vitamin A —with 82 micrograms of retinol. Eating the whole fruit is recommended to get the most out of these nutrients. As for minerals, this tomato is one of the best vehicles for potassium. A 100-gram serving provides 296 milligrams. Bioactive compounds Cherry tomatoes have exploded in popularity in gourmet markets, due to the presence of bioactive compounds in the fruit. The darker the skin of the tomato, the higher the content of anthocyanins, phenolic compounds and other antioxidants that make them beneficial to health. Most of these properties focus on their ability to respond against free radical attacks. These pro-oxidant substances cause a lot of damage inside the cells. These compounds include polyphenols, such as naringenin, chlorogenic acid, quercetin and kaempferol. Other substances are flavonoids, such as catechins and anthocyanins, which give red, blue and purple tones. Likewise, the carotenoids in this tomato, such as lycopene, have an antioxidant effect. These stimulate the immune system and have antitumor activity.Benefits of cherry tomatoesThe benefits of cherry tomatoes are associated with the presence of bioactive compounds and their abundant concentration of nutrients. The most outstanding are mentioned below. Promotes good vision The presence of carotenoids in its pulp have provitamin A activity, so they help improve vision and prevent certain visual diseases. For example, they reduce the risk of night blindness and eye degeneration.Combats cellular oxidationThe phenolic compounds in cherry tomatoes help neutralize free radicals produced by reactive oxygen species within the body. Among other things, phenols give it the following properties: Anti-inflammatory. Hepatoprotective. Cardioprotective. Hypoglycemic. Antimicrobial. Given these properties, its consumption has a positive relationship with the prevention and reduction of damage caused by degenerative diseases. It can be part of diets to lose weight. Its high water content and low fat content make cherry tomatoes a favorite ingredient in diets to lose weight. A 100-gram portion provides few calories in a range of preparations that it can be part of. Helps prevent premature aging Oxidative stress causes damage to cell membranes and is capable of accelerating the development of aging. Lycopene is capable of stopping these processes due to its antioxidant activity. It also protects the skin from damage caused by ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to crush cherry tomatoes and cook them with olive oil to take better advantage of the lycopene. Source of potassium and vitamin C The vitamin C of cherry tomatoes is used to the maximum whenever it is consumed fresh. This nutrient facilitates the absorption of iron, strengthens the immune system, increases collagen synthesis, among other functions. On the other hand, its high potassium values ​​make it an ideal ingredient to maintain balance inside and outside cells. It is also part of nerve transmission and carbohydrate metabolism. Cherry tomato uses It is common to eat cherry tomato in its natural form, either as part of salads, in sandwiches and sandwiches. However, it can also be processed in the form of sauces or stews. It is often a gourmet ingredient for pastas and pizzas. This food surprises for its versatility in food. It is possible to taste it as a snack or snack, in tarts, in jams, in the form of purees, in soups, among other recipes. In general, it can be eaten hot, cold, raw or processed. Due to its flavor and versatility, the cherry tomato can be incorporated into a wide variety of preparations. What we must not forget The cherry tomato contains nutrients and benefits as interesting as those of the classic tomato . It is a vehicle for a wide range of antioxidants such as lycopene, polyphenols, anthocyanins and flavonoids. It is best to eat them whole and fresh to take advantage of all their vitamin C. However, to take better advantage of lycopene, it is recommended to prepare it with olive oil. made of olives. It is a good option to flavor dishes or to garnish. It provides a slightly sweet flavor that you will love.You might be interested in…