Toulouse: a brawl breaks out in the city center, a man is stabbed in the throat

By Maxence Dourlen Published on 4 Sep 22 at 20:41 Actu Toulouse See my news Follow this media A man was stabbed in the throat in the center of Toulouse this Sunday, September 4, 2022. (©Illustration / Thibaut Calatayud / Toulouse news) A major brawl broke out in the heart of downtown Toulouse, this Sunday, September 4, 2022, at 7:35 p.m. Several individuals began to exchange violent blows at the level of the rue d’Alsace Lorraine. A man injured in the throat, his vital prognosis involvedIn the general confusion, an individual was stabbed in the throat. The police quickly arrived on the scene as well as the emergency services. “The injured man’s health is declining,” said a source familiar with the incident. The 20-year-old victim was reportedly intubated before being transported to the shock treatment unit at Rangueil Hospital. More information to come… Was this article helpful? Note that you can follow Actu Toulouse in the My Actu space. In one click, after registration, you will find all the news of your favorite cities and brands.