Mess with Turkey: threatens to withdraw from the Eurobasket with this harsh statement – Gigantes del Basket

Serious mess with Turkey in the EuroBasket. The Turkish team threatens to abandon the championship with a harsh statement that they have published on behalf of their vice president, former player Omer Onan, who accuses the Georgian players of having attacked Korkmaz in the locker room and asks for the images of the recording cameras . Otherwise, they say they will leave the tournament immediately. A controversy that comes after the incident that occurred in the game. A hitch between Korkmaz and Sanadze in the Turkey-Georgia played in Tblisi that ended with both players disqualified. Ergin Ataman also ended up expelled, who protested a review of a foul by Cedi Osman in the second overtime, in a very heated duel in which 22 seconds of game time also disappeared (they passed and were not recovered) at the moment in which the referees reviewed in the Instant Replay the dispute between Korkmaz and Sanadze. The incident of Korkmaz and Sanadze The hookup of Korkmaz and Sanadze in the Georgia vs Turkey that has ended with the expulsion of both @EuroBasket #EuroBasket — Giants of Basket (@GIGANTESbasket) September 4, 2022 The expulsion de Ataman Ergin Ataman expelled from the match against Georgia after reviewing an unsportsmanlike statement to Cedi Osman@EuroBasket #Eurobasket — Giants of Basket (@GIGANTESbasket) September 4, 2022 This is the statement from the Turkish federation : “Two players were ejected from the match. As Furkan Korkmaz and our coach walked through the locker room corridor, they were attacked by non-playing players, along with the players who were sent off and the police. The game ended, we lost, 30 policemen on each side in front of the locker room, a fight broke out. Official Georgia police got into a physical fight with us. Here we are calling FIBA; very clear and concise. I also told the FIBA ​​representatives. Let no one be deceived, and do not think that no one is stupid. We want to be shown all the images from all the security cameras in that hallway, minute by minute, without wasting a second. If they don’t bring it, and I have discussed it with the president, Hidayet Turkoglu, we will leave this tournament. We have organized European Championships for years, no one was injured. Here, 12 players are in the hall; we are almost in a fist fight with the Georgian police… We say ‘open’, they don’t open. The Georgians come and talk behind. We tell FIBA ​​very clearly: ‘No, the cameras were deleted, there was no disorder in the room, there were no 2 minutes left…’ All the cameras will look at each other one by one. I’m sorry if they don’t do it very quickly, but our own players are very valuable. We do not allow any damage. The biggest mistake here is from FIBA. There have been a thousand shortages since the day we arrived. The players go from the hotel to the pavilion and it takes 45 minutes. If the safety of the players cannot be guaranteed, do not organize this. I say it again; We also speak with the president of Hedayet. We will also speak with the consul… We will ask for security. Obviously they won’t protect us. As I said, bring the recordings of all the cameras in front of us, we will see what happened… Everyone will see it. If they don’t, we’re out of here» Mess after Germany-Lithuania: the referees forgot a Lithuanian free kick Day 4 of the Eurobasket: The day of surprises Keep scrolling down to see more content