Mysterious pneumonia: fifth infected person dies in Argentina – The Independent

A fifth person died of pneumonia on Sunday September 4 at a clinic in Tucuman, Argentina. The analyzes showed that a legionella bacterium was the cause of the outbreak. This Sunday, September 4, 2022, a fifth victim was registered in Tucuman, in northwestern Argentina, according to the province’s Ministry of Health.
A total of 11 people showed similar symptoms, and six are still undergoing treatment, three of whom are still hospitalized, according to the province’s health minister, Luis Medina Cruz. Read also: The death toll rises to three this Saturday: WHO raises its level of surveillance after the appearance of cases of a mysterious pneumonia The health authorities of the province had already announced on Saturday a fourth death since Monday, a 48-year-old man also presenting with comorbidities. Eleven cases in total have been identified, centered around a private clinic in San Miguel de Tucuman, capital of Tucuman province. What cause? Covid-19, influenza, influenza type A and B and hantaviruses (transmitted by rodents) have been eliminated by scientists to determine the causes of the appearance of these cases of pneumonia. According to the latest information, this pneumonia is caused by a Legionella bacterium. The agent that caused the outbreak of bilateral pneumonia is “legionella”, the Argentine Minister of Health Carla Vizzotti had declared the day before at a press conference in Tucuman, adding that the precise type of legionella was being identified.