How the Moon was created continues to generate debate: this is the new theory that is valued – Urban Tecno

How was the Moon created? There are several theories, but now a new version seems to be gaining more weight. Here are the keys to this new study. 09/04/2022 19:00 Much has been investigated regarding the origin of the Universe. More specifically, a special trace has been followed to the creation of what concerns us because it is closer to the Earth. The best example of this is shown by the Moon, the satellite that has been accompanying our Planet for millions of years. Now, what was the origin of this mass found in our orbit? There are several open lines of research, but a new theory could destroy all the previous work. Traditionally, it has been believed that Theia, an element smaller than a planet like Mars, impacted the Earth, which at that time was far away. than it is today. After this reason, a lot of land mass ended up rebounding, coming out of the atmosphere itself. The gravitational force was joining the pieces until creating the Moon. This phenomenon, moreover, could have taken place in a very short period of time. Maybe only 100 years old. Can there be room for other theories and alternatives? The truth is that there is a new version. Let’s see what is the last option that is being evaluated regarding the creation of the lunar satellite, why it is a new theory that could make sense in the future and, of course, to what extent it is scientifically feasible. The Moon will undoubtedly continue to be the subject of debate for the scientific community. It has been studied everywhere and, even so, it still presents a whole series of secrets that remain to be discovered. The study of fallen meteorites in the 2000s could hold the key According to information provided by Wired, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ( ETH for its acronym in English) of Zurich has carried out an investigation in this regard. It has been commanded by the PhD student Patrizia Will. In order to take the new hypothesis, it has been based on the analysis of a total of 6 meteorites that fell in Antarctica at the beginning of this century. What has been discovered so far? Here are the keys to this new alternative that has emerged. There are multiple theories about the creation of the Moon As According to the official investigation, published in the scientific journal Science, it was possible to verify how helium and neon were found in these meteorites, material that was found trapped in tiny glass beads. The curious thing is that these types of proposals could have been formed in volcanic eruptions on the lunar surface when the magma was extracted from the interior of the moon. It would therefore be a new theory that would change the way of understanding the origin of the Moon. One of the conclusions of the research lies in the similar composition of the rocks present on Earth and on the Moon. However, there is a noticeable difference that is directly related to the presence of a lower chlorine portion in the case of the satellite. This could suggest that a dramatic event could have separated a portion of the enormous size, giving rise to these 2 forms within the Solar System. This discovery has been made possible thanks to the use of a mass spectrometer. This is nothing more than a meter capable of separating the individual weight of the molecules, thus managing to determine what chemical substances are in a given object. This is an important step forward that could lead to new research to determine the origin of the Moon.