Line Renaud decorated by Emmanuel Macron: tenderness and bursts of laughter at the Élysée after the prestigious ceremony (PHOTOS)

From Armentières to the Élysée. This Friday, September 2, 2022, it was far from Line Renaud’s first visit to the palace. But this one had something special. The 94-year-old actress came to be decorated by Emmanuel Macron with the insignia of Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor. The Head of State thus rewarded her multiple careers as a singer, actress and magazine leader. He thus recalled that the Americans called her “Madame France” when she performed at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. But it is above all the committed woman he wanted to salute, with nearly forty years of commitment in the fight against AIDS. Line Renaud first organized the Gala des artistes. Then, the battle against the disease was organized around Sidaction, of which she is still vice-president. An extraordinary journey that the President of the Republic mentioned for about thirty minutes. “Line has stage fright, me too!”, He slipped before launching into remarks reported by France Bleu. The continuation under this advertisement A committed and rewarded actress “You have never stopped this fight against this atrocious disease. (…) This is how you have contributed to saving lives, thousands of lives, by refusal of the conveniences, by choice of the heart. (…) You are this woman who, when she is touched, commits herself”, also declared Emmanuel Macron. Of course, the fight against AIDS is not over, but for the past few months, Line Renaud has also been waging another battle. “The right to die with dignity is a fight that looks like you and that obliges us”, declared the head of state, who should submit it in a law in 2023. Until the end, Line Renaud will have managed to whisper in the ear of presidents and to make things happen. Once Emmanuel Macron’s speech was over and the insignia of Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor were handed over, less serious things could begin. When immortalizing the moment with the President of the Republic and his wife, Brigitte Macron, the general hilarity was widely felt. The rest under this advertisement She would have liked to break the protocol of the ceremony “I so want to say something but the protocol does not allow it”, regretted Line Renaud, very touched, between laughter and tears. The star found the parade by making a speech to the Head of State at a private dinner, before revealing the content on social networks. She says she is “upset”. “Love for France is not something that can be explained, it is lived, it is in my blood. Quite simply because France is an invaluable gift! She gave me everything. fulfillment of my childhood dream, the love of the public, this public that I love so much”, she said to Emmanuel Macron. “My journey is not quite over” Impossible for her too to not to address a thought to the man of her life, her mentor, Loulou Gasté. “Life is a journey and I was lucky that mine was long and beautiful. So many stars guided my path! Loulou was my lucky star. He was a very famous composer, he placed himself in shadow to better bring me into the light,” she said. Before concluding: “My journey is not quite over, I still have a lot of things to do and above all so many battles to fight.” And movies to come out. On September 21, Line Renaud will star in the film Une belle course with Dany Boon. Previously, they had already played together in Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis and La Ch’tite famille, broadcast this Sunday, September 4 at 9:10 p.m. on TF1. Article written in collaboration with 6Medias