Pope Francis proclaims John Paul I blessed, the pope of the 33 days

Pope Francis today proclaimed John Paul I blessed in a ceremony in Saint Peter’s Square, the pontiff who died after only 33 days of pontificate, whose death was the subject of numerous theories and that the investigation in the process of beatification has proven to disassemble ensuring that it was a heart attack. For the beatification of Albino Luciani, the miracle was approved through the intercession of Candela Giarda, a girl from Paraná (Argentina) who in 2011 when she was 11 years old was on the verge of death from “Severe acute inflammatory encephalopathy, malignant refractory epileptic disease and septic shock”. His mother Roxana Sosa prayed to the deceased pontiff as an Argentine priest told him and the next day he was already improving. Candela and his mother Roxana were going to be present in Rome to thank Pope John Paul II for “his second life” but he could not travel having broken his foot. The smiling pope, as he was known, was elected on August 26, 1978 and was found dead in his bed on the morning of September 29 at the age of 65, which made his pontificate in one of the shortest in history and he also became the last Italian to date.Francis: “He was a peaceful and humble shepherd””Brothers, sisters, the new Blessed lived in this way: with the joy of the Gospel, without concessions, loving to the extreme. He embodied the poverty of the disciple, which does not only imply parting with material goods, but above all overcoming the temptation to put one’s self at the center and seek one’s own glory,” Pope Francis said in his homily during the beatification Francis stressed that the new blessed “on the contrary, following the example of Jesus, was a peaceful and humble shepherd. He considered himself as the dust on which God had deigned to write and therefore, he said: “The Lord has recommended us so much that we be humble! Even if you have done great things, say: useless servants we are”, “With His smile, Pope Luciani managed to convey the goodness of the Lord. A Church with a happy, serene and smiling face is beautiful, that never closes its doors, that does not harden hearts, that does not complain or harbor resentments, that is not angry neither is he impatient, he does not present himself harshly nor does he suffer from nostalgia for the past,” the pope added. The restitution of the truth During these years numerous books have been written about the terrible communication about his death that gave rise to numerous theories and legends and different hypotheses such as the one that he was poisoned to avoid his fight against financial corruption. The vice-postulator Stefania Falasca, who has dedicated more than six years to gathering the documentation, assured that all the reports doctors, all the clinical documentation and the records prove that it was an unexpected death due to a heart attack and that an autopsy was not considered necessary because nothing indicated that it was not a natural death and that the process “restored a historical truth”Sister Margherita , 81, the only living nun of those who cared for the pope, explained to the Vatican media “the great pain” that Luciani’s last vision caused her: “lying in bed, with the lights on and a sheet of paper between her fingers, glasses and smiling.” “The heart attack was sudden,” recalls Sister Margherita, who, when faced with so much speculation about a death, replied: “Ah, well, because there is always the hand of the devil!” sixth blessed pope The ceremony, which was held under a strong storm, was presided over by the pope, but the mass was celebrated by Marcelo Semeraro, prefect of the Congregation for the Cause of Saints, due to Francisco’s mobility problems. It began with the biography and request by Renato Marangoni, bishop of Belluno-Feltre, Luciani’s birthplace, to inscribe John Paul I in the book of the blessed. Francis accepted the request and added that “John Paul I, pope, from now on he is called blessed and that he is celebrated every year in the places and according to what is established by law, on August 26”. Later, the relic of John Paul I was taken to the altar, which in this case was something unprecedented because it consists of a note written on white paper from 1956 by Luciani that consisted of “an outline of spiritual reflection on the three theological virtues – faith, hope and charity” that was among his notes. John Paul I will be the sixth century pope XX included in the book of the blessed while to be canonized, proclaimed saint, a new miracle will need to be approved. Four popes of the last century have already been canonized: Pius X (1903-1914), John XXIII (1958-1963 ), Paul VI (1963-1978) and John Paul II (1978-20 05). Pope Francis personally canonized John XXIII and John Paul II in 2014, before beatifying Paul VI in the same year and then canonizing him in 2018.