Toulouse: two pedestrians between life and death after refusing to comply – Le Figaro

Aged 32 and visibly unknown to the police, the driver of the vehicle in question was arrested in a state of intoxication. First taken to a drunk tank, he was finally placed in police custody. The condition of the vehicle involved leaves little doubt as to the violence of the shock. This Sunday, September 4, very early in the morning, a man committed several traffic offenses in the streets of Toulouse before evading the summons to stop from a police patrol, we learn from police sources. and judicial. A new refusal to comply with dramatic consequences. The driver’s BMW was pulverized in the accident. Police sourceThe events occurred north of the Pink City, shortly before 6:30 a.m. A police rescue patrol saw a BMW brand vehicle driving at high speed on the avenue des Minimes. She immediately chases her, while keeping a “reasonable distance” to “not put pressure on her”, assures a police source. But after a few minutes, the German car disappears in the early morning. She is very quickly found, injured. According to initial findings, its driver lost control and drove straight into a series of vehicles parked in the opposite direction on Avenue de Fronton, at the foot of a night grocery store. , relatives of a suspect take revenge by rushing the police The toll is heavy: nine injured in total, including pedestrians and the five occupants of the BMW. On the pedestrian side, four were seriously injured and two transported to Purpan hospital with a vital prognosis. On the spot, six ambulances and 25 firefighters were mobilized. To read also Refusal to comply: “Ensauvagement” The driver, on the other hand, comes out of it with very slight injuries. Aged 32 and visibly unknown to the police, he was immediately arrested and taken to the police station. First placed in a drunk tank, given his state of intoxication, he was subsequently placed in police custody. Results of toxicological analyzes are also awaited in order to know if the 30-year-old was under the influence of narcotics at the time of the events. This would constitute an aggravating circumstance. An investigation was opened and entrusted to the Departmental Security of Haute-Garonne. The investigations are continuing. Contacted by our colleagues from Actu Toulouse, the prefect Étienne Guyot “welcomes the commitment and the courage of the emergency services and the National Police.” A final report that Le Figaro obtained at the beginning of last August revealed that some 26,320 refusals to comply had been listed in 2021 by the police and the gendarmes. That’s more than one every thirty minutes. With consequences, sometimes terrible. On August 19, near Lyon, in Vénissieux, a police officer had fired on the driver of a vehicle refusing to comply and who had not hesitated to hit an official. Result: two dead, the driver and the passenger of the vehicle in question, the oldest of whom was only 27 years old. SEE ALSO – Self-defense: in what cases can the police use their weapons?