Zelenskyj warned Europeans to prepare for a gloomy winter – HNonline.sk

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has told Europeans to expect a tough winter due to Russia’s invasion of his country, which has led to restrictions on oil and gas exports from Russia. Reuters reported this today, referring to Zelensky’s regular video message, according to which Moscow wants to destroy the normal life of Europeans. “Decisive energy strike” “Russia is preparing a decisive energy strike on all Europeans for this winter,” Zelensky declared. “Russia is trying to attack with poverty and political chaos where it cannot yet attack with missiles,” he added. Zelenskyy said this after the Russian giant Gazprom announced that it will not yet resume gas supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which is crucial for Europe. Moscow cites Western sanctions imposed over the invasion of Ukraine and technical problems that caused disruptions in energy supplies. European countries that have supported Kiev diplomatically and militarily have accused Russia of using energy supplies as a weapon. Analysts on weakened support for Kiev According to some analysts, shortages and rising costs of living threaten to weaken support for Kiev from the West, which is trying to deal with disgruntled residents, as winter approaches. The G7 group of developed countries announced on Friday that they will introduce a price ceiling on both Russian oil and oil products. The Kremlin has announced that it will stop the sale of oil to all countries that introduce this limit. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said today that his government had anticipated a complete shutdown of gas supplies in December, but promised that his country would weather the winter. “Russia is no longer a reliable energy partner,” Scholz said at a press conference in Berlin. 01 – Modified: 2022-09-04 08:04:13 – Feat.: – Title: HN24: On Saturday, 4,044 people passed through the border crossings at the entrance to Slovakia 02 – Modified: 2022-09-04 07:29:16 – Feat.: – Title: HN24: A tiger is moving near the village of Ulič, it escaped from a zoo in Ukraine 03 – Modified: 2022-09-04 06:15:00 – Feat.: – Title: Ukrainian Jevhen Maloletka won the top prize for photography from the siege of Mariupol 04 – Modified: 2022-09-04 05:51:29 – Feat.: – Title: Zelensky’s adviser: Ukrainian counteroffensive wants to decimate Russian forces and logistics, said Arestovych 05 – Modified: 2022-09-04 05:25 :00 – Feat.: – Title: Germany will provide 200 million euros to help internally displaced people in Ukraine