Coalition crisis: Matovič stays. The government goes to the minority – SME

Sep 4, 2022 at 5:23 pm I Paid content The three remaining coalition parties already share four ministries after SaS. BRATISLAVA. All-day negotiations, wellness and OĽaNO table tennis over the weekend in the state rehabilitation facility Bystra in Liptovský Ján did not bring any surprises. The head of OĽaNO Igor Matovič remains the Minister of Finance and a minority government will be formed. The article continues under the video advertisement The article continues under the video advertisement “The mafia has already chilled the Cristal champagne. On Monday, SaS will bring down the third democratic anti-corruption government of which it was a part,” wrote Matovič after the OĽaNO team building in Sunday morning on the social network. SaS did not respond to his words. Its representatives said that they will not comment on the situation in the former coalition for them until Monday. The OĽaNO-Sme rodina-Za lyku triumvirate is already talking about how it will divide the four ministerial seats after the definitive departure of SaS from the government. Boris Kollár, head of We Are Family, said on Markíza TV that seats should be discussed at the coalition council on Sunday evening. None of the representatives of the three-coalition revealed when and where the council should meet. According to their idea, the strongest coalition party should receive the Ministry of Economy and Justice, We are a family, education, and Foreign Affairs for the People. However, the triple coalition will not have a majority in the parliament – at least 76 deputies. There will be only 70 of them. Therefore, if the laws do not pass in the National Council, it is possible that it will fall and there will be early elections. We are a family has already submitted the draft constitutional law that would allow them to the parliament. Nothing changes. Matovič is not leaving “Mr. Finance Minister is not leaving and we are going to a minority government,” said Tomáš Šudík, a deputy of the OĽaNO party, after the weekend meeting. According to another OĽaNO deputy, Lukáš Kyselica, the atmosphere in Liptov was good, like when a parliamentary club is negotiating. “Here, it’s not like in Smera, where there is one macho and everyone does what he says,” says the deputy.