“Bercy dialogues”: the opposition rejects Attal’s proposal to consult on the 2023 budget – Le Figaro

LFI, LR and RN have already rejected the outstretched hand of the government and announced that they did not intend to vote on the budget which will be presented in the fall. The oppositions expressed their reluctance on Sunday in the face of to the government’s proposal to come and discuss the draft budget for 2023 upstream, LR like RN and LFI warning that they would not vote for it, whatever the case. “We invite the entire national representation to work on the 2023 budget even before it is finalized. These Dialogues de Bercy will be proposed to all parliamentarians of the Finance Committees of the Assembly and the Senate, majority as opposition”, declared the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts Gabriel Attal in Le Parisien. The Minister intends in these discussions to present his ” tracks” and “ongoing arbitrations”, and discuss the “proposals in anticipation of the parliamentary debate” of the fall, in accordance with the government’s new method of seeking compromise. In the absence of an absolute majority for the macronists, an intention to vote against the budget on the part of the opposition “would leave few other choices than the use of 49-3″ to have the text adopted without a vote, warns Gabriel Attal. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne also did not rule out the use of this constitutional weapon this week. party, the Republicans gathered in Angers immediately assured that they would not vote for this budget. “Let this majority manage, we will not be its crutch”, affirmed the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes Éric Ciotti, pretender to the head of the party. He promised that the elected LRs would exercise their right of amendment “without discussion, without cooperation, without confusion” because “we are in the opposition”. “There is no question, through political tricks, of entering a little game of negotiations”, also argued the boss of senators LR Bruno Retailleau, another declared candidate. The boss of the LR deputies Olivier Marleix however stressed that his group “will strive (it) to always be the compass which indicates the national interest”. Same end of inadmissibility on the side of the extreme right. “I will not go to Bercy to dialogue with Gabriel Attal”, decided on BFMTV the interim president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, castigating in this dialogue or the National Council for Refoundation, “places of discussion, agoras alternatives” in the National Assembly. He also indicated that the group of RN deputies “would not vote for the budget”, without saying whether he would vote against or abstain, because “we are beginning to (…) know” the “brutality and harshness” of Emmanuel Macron’s project. And in the event of use of 49-3, “probably, we will table a motion of censure”, he warned. “Communication” operation For her part, the leader of the LFI deputies Mathilde Panot did not not say ‘no immediately’ to the minister’s proposal. But “it’s up to them to give in on things” because “our proposals are known (and) we will bring them to the democratic arena”, she warned on France 3, citing the increase in salaries, the taxation of “superprofits” and again the blocking of prices, which will be included in a “counter-budget” proposal. To read also In the National Assembly, the race for legislative proposals is in full swing “We will try to pass things” in Parliament but “I think we will vote against this budget”, she said. The Chairman of the Assembly’s Finance Committee Éric Coquerel (LFI) also expressed his reservations to the Huffington Post: “I am in favor of discussing within (the left alliance) Nupes” Gabriel Attal’s proposal “because it must not be used only for government communication”. “For the moment, I especially have the impression (…) that he is in a search for an early majority with the Republicans”, he added. As for Olivier Faure, number one of the PS, he was not totally categorical: “I have never refused any outstretched hand when it is really outstretched”, he declared to France inter-Franceinfo-Le Monde . “If a left-wing budget tomorrow is proposed, why would I vote against it?”, he questioned, while doubting the hypothesis. budget