Iberia Express registers six canceled flights and a delay this Sunday due to the strike

Archive image of Iberia personnel at the Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas airport EP The six canceled flights are round-trip connections between Madrid and Palma, Seville and Las Palmas The eighth day of the strike called by cabin crew ( TCP) of Iberia Express has caused the cancellation of six flights this Sunday and a delay, according to data provided by the USO union at 1:00 p.m. The six canceled flights are round trip connections between Madrid and Palma, Seville and Las Palmas. As for the delays, the only one that has been registered so far this Sunday has taken place in Madrid. Iberia Express will operate this Sunday 94 percent of the scheduled flights on the eighth day of the cabin crew strike (TCP) called by USO, as reported by the airline. In order to minimize the impact of the strike on customers, the company has preemptively canceled 3 round-trip flights (1 to Gran Canaria, 1 to Mallorca and 1 to Seville) scheduled for this day. Thus, a total of 95 flights will operate this Sunday. The airline clarifies that 97 percent of the passengers affected by these cancellations have already been relocated to other flights of Iberia Express, Iberia or other companies, or alternative means of transport. The remaining three percent have opted for a refund, change of date or route, bonus or are still waiting to decide on the option that best suits their needs. In addition, it has activated a flexibility plan for all customers with a flight until September 6 so that they can request a change of dates for the same route or a voucher with the total amount of the reservation, if they so wish. Report a bug