Profile of the Chilean voter: who is behind the rejection and approval of the new Constitution – EL PAÍS

José Chaín, Jenny Álvarez, Robinson Abelo, Marlene Guamani, Alejandro Boetsch and Anarle Parada. Sofía Yanjari / Courtesy There is a voter profile that allows us to anticipate, with little margin for error, who will vote on Sunday. If she is a woman and is under 24 years old, she will surely support the approval of the text of the new Constitution. The same if in the presidential elections she voted for President Gabriel Boric or if he considers himself to be middle or lower class. If he is a man, rich or lives in the south of the country, he will opt for rejection. Also if you are between 45 and 59 years old. The segmentation comes from a survey by pollster AtlasIntel published on August 19. Six Chilean voters, representative of the fringes that have the strongest vote, tell in this report the reasons for their election. Rejection: Alejandro Boetsch, 44 years old Alejandro Boetsch, 44 years old, in his office in El Barrio Alto de Santiago, Chile. She is going for the Rejection option in the plebiscite for the new Chilean Constitution. Sofia Yanjari In October, this civil engineer, father of five children, will turn 45 and will be part of a group that will vote mostly for rejection: a man between 45 and 59 years old High-class. He also voted rejection in the referendum that started the constituent process. His opinion is that the solution to the social demands of the outbreak, although “super legitimate”, had nothing to do with the Constitution but with legislative decisions that could be made with the current one. Boetsch, a practicing Catholic, will vote rejection again because he considers that the text divides rather than unites society. “A very clear manifestation is the particular treatment of indigenous people: they would have greater independence in their educational systems, the reserved seats break the ‘one person one vote’, the justice systems establish gray areas between the national system and the community ones” , it states. In the first presidential round he voted for one of the candidates of the center right, the ideology that represents him; in the second round, José Antonio Kast. I approve: Anarle Parada, 19 years old, Anarle Parada. 19 years old, she works in a tea shop in downtown Santiago, Chile. He goes for the Approve option in the plebiscite for the new Chilean Constitution. Sofia Yanjari Women between 18 and 24 years old are a group that exceeds the general average of intention to vote for approval. Anarle is one of them. She voted for Gabriel Boric and for changing the Constitution. She is a saleswoman in a tea shop and believes that the new text paves the way for the right to abortion and universal access to quality education. Parada studied advertising for free at a professional institute, but she dropped out early because she didn’t like it. “Now I have to apply again for gratuity, and if I don’t get it, I’m going to have to ask for a loan with a State guarantee. If not, it would be impossible, ”she assures. She earns about $500, lives with her grandmother, and identifies as lower class. “In Chile there is no middle class. Those of us who supposedly belong to it do not receive a good education or access to good health”, he maintains. Rejection: José Chahin, 65 years oldJosé Chahin, 65 years old. Agronomist of the Araucanía Region, Chile. He goes for the Rejection option in the plebiscite for the new Chilean Constitution. Photograph provided by the interviewee This agronomist and businessman lives with his wife and two of his children in Curacautín, in the Araucanía Region, cradle of the historic conflict over ancestral lands of the Mapuche people. One of the groups that exceeds the average intention to vote for rejection are those who live in the south of the country, where violence has escalated. “We live besieged by violence. My wife had a restaurant and it burned down in mid-June,” says Chain. “I think this insecurity is going to increase if the approval wins because in the Constitution there are many legal uncertainties about what is going to happen: the restitution of lands to the Mapuche people, parallel justices, plurinationality,” she points out. In the second round of the presidential elections, she voted for José Antonio Kast. “He was not my candidate, but he did not have many other options,” says the agronomist, who does not identify with any political party. He defines himself as middle class, the son of professional parents. I approve: Marlene Guamaní, 53 years old Merlene Guamani, 53 years old, works as a home counselor in Santiago, Chile. She is going for the Approve option in the plebiscite for the new Chilean Constitution. Sofia Yanjari This domestic worker, of Peruvian nationality, has lived for 17 years in Santiago, in the popular municipality of Independencia. She voted for Gabriel Boric in the presidential elections and for approval in the entry plebiscite. Two opportunities in which the support of women was fundamental. “The Constitution is old. Many things have changed, science has advanced, we have to look to the future, not the past”, she maintains. One of the main reasons for approval is the recognition that the proposed text makes of domestic and care work. “We have never had rights. I also want there to be equality, regardless of nationality.” Her salary of about $600 puts her in the lower class, a group that exceeds the average voter approval rating. Rejection: Jenny Álvarez, 32, Jenny Álvarez, 32, works at a bank in downtown Santiago, Chile. She is going for the Rejection option in the plebiscite for the new Chilean Constitution. Sofia Yanjari A group that exceeds the average intention to vote for rejection is that of those who did not participate in the entry plebiscite held last October, when it was decided to write a new Constitution. This telephone executive of a bank belongs to that segment. She states that for work reasons she was unable to attend and that now she will reject the proposal. “I read that if I voted I approve the pension funds would not be inheritable and I do not want that. I’m not going to work all my life to give my money to someone who hasn’t worked,” she says. The mother of a 14-year-old daughter, Álvarez receives a salary of about $900, which places her in the lower middle class. “For me I am poor, but for the State I am rich, I have never received a benefit,” she points out. He did not finish his technical training studies and declares himself against education being free for all because, he says, that can harm quality. I approve: Robinson Abelo, 61 years old Robinson Abelo, 61 years old, painter of the Plaza de Armas in Santiago , Chili. He goes for the Approve option in the plebiscite for the new Chilean Constitution. Sofia Yanjari In addition to the very young, those over 60 are also a group that exceeds the average intention to vote for approval. This artist, who has been painting portraits for 36 years in the Plaza de Armas, also represents those who are from the capital, do not identify with any political party, supported Gabriel Boric and are now going to approve the constitutional proposal. “The current one is full of legal traps generated in the dictatorship. It is necessary to update the issue of the environment, health, housing and 24,000 other things”, she maintains. Father of three children, two of them women, he wants the Constitution to better protect them and offer them “a more profitable future.” He identifies as lower class, with incomes below the minimum wage. “Living from culture is difficult in this country. The governments of the right and of the left have never done anything for us. I hope that changes,” she adds. She Subscribe here to the EL PAÍS América newsletter and receive all the key information on current affairs in the region.