The barbecue “symbol of virility”: “All the studies show that I am right”, insists Sandrine Rousseau – Le Figaro

The environmental MP returned this Sunday to the controversy sparked by her statement: “So that eating a steak cooked on a barbecue is no longer a symbol of virility”. Invited this Sunday by the Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI, the environmental MP EELV Sandrine Rousseau returned to the controversial remarks she made last week on the barbecue, symbol for her, “of virility”. “All the studies show that I am right,” said the chosen one. “Yes, men consume more meat, and some make it a question of identity.” Sandrine Rousseau also claimed to have received “hundreds and hundreds of photos” of steaks and barbecues. “Do you understand the feeling of stigmatization?” Asked the journalist from Figaro Marion Mourgue. “Some felt attacked individually when what I denounce is a social structure, a relationship of domination,” replied the MP, castigating the “identity reflex of taking a picture behind a barbecue”. “the androcene”, Sandrine Rousseau’s theory attributing the ecological crisis… to boysIn substance, Sandrine Rousseau has explained several times that this controversial outing was above all aimed at “understanding the cultural springs of meat consumption which make we rush on red meat”, the objective being the reduction of this consumption, an essential step according to her in the fight against global warming. “We must have a rapid and radical awareness”, she pleaded , “we don’t have time, the IPCC says so”. “Of all the buzz, it is the one that has lasted the longest, it shows that we have reached a blocking point”, she analyzed. Why does Sandrine Rousseau multiply the controversial remarks of this kind ? “It’s not a question of existing, it’s a question of doing politics, of acting, of changing things, of making a great ecological and social story”, she finally justified herself. SEE ALSO – Sharing household chores: Sandrine Rousseau says “working on a crime”