Ukraine, Zelensky talks to von der Leyen: “Limiting Russian oil and gas profits”

The Ukrainian president today had a telephone conversation with the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, as he himself reported in two tweets. We discussed “coordinating measures to limit excess Russian profits from the sale of oil and gas – wrote Volodymyr Zelensky – We discussed the allocation as soon as possible of the next tranche of European macro funding and I stressed the need to prepare the eighth package of sanctions, including the ban on issuing visas to Russian citizens “. Read also According to the president, the “possibility of a rapid assessment by the European Commission” of the request for membership “as soon as Ukraine has satisfied its seven recommendations” was discussed. In an article published today in the Mail, the Ukrainian leader then reiterated all his gratitude to the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, one of the most determined Western leaders in supporting Kiev, calling him “a true friend”. Zelensky also expressed the wish to have “close relations” with Johnson’s successor, which will be announced tomorrow. For his part, the outgoing prime minister thanked the Ukrainian president on Twitter for his “kind words”. “The UK’s support for Ukraine and its people is unwavering and we will continue to support you against Putin’s war – added Johnson – Thank you for your friendship Volodymyr, you are a hero, everyone loves you.” British intelligence reports that among the Russian forces engaged in the war in Ukraine there are “problems of morale and discipline”, as well as fatigue from fighting and high casualties. The main complaints are related to the salary and the high probability that “the considerable combat bonuses” are not paid. The intelligence does not rule out that there is “real corruption” among the commanders, which is added to an “inefficient military bureaucracy”.