To avoid the use of 49.3, Gabriel Attal offers parliamentarians to discuss the 2023 budget – Le Monde

Gabriel Attal, Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, was present at the Medef summer school on August 30, 2022. BENJAMIN GIRETTE / HANS LUCAS FOR “THE WORLD” The government is communicating its desire to change its method. Saturday September 3, the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, announced, in an interview with Le Parisien, that he wishes to present “our tracks and the arbitrations in progress” concerning the next finance bill “to all parliamentarians finance committees of the Assembly and the Senate, majority as opposition (…) even before[il] does not arrive at the Council of Ministers”, and this with the aim of ” [d’échanger] on their proposals in anticipation of the parliamentary debate”. “In an unprecedented context, [ces “Dialogues de Bercy” constituent] an unprecedented initiative,” he added. In the absence of an absolute majority, the government will indeed have to rely on opposition votes to succeed in passing its 2023 budget – except to activate article 49.3 of the Constitution to pass its bill without a vote in the Assembly. nationally by engaging the responsibility of the government. “I am surprised by certain statements, particularly on the [des Républicains, qui souhaitent davantage d’économies], indicating their intention to vote against, even before the bill is known, added Gabriel Attal. De facto, this would leave little choice but to use 49.3. I do not accept this prospect. “Read also Article reserved for our subscribers “49.3”: the first time that “Le Monde” wrote it Oppositions in expectation Among the Republicans, however, we assure that no obstruction decision has been taken. “We want to be in pursuit of the state of mind of July, at the time of the texts on purchasing power, in a scheme of constructive opposition, affirms to the Parisian the vice-president LR of the finance commission, Veronique Louwagie. How our amendments are retained will determine our attitude. “For the chairman of the finance committee in the Assembly, the” rebellious “Eric Coquerel, also questioned by Le Parisien, “if we are presented with the text early enough, no problem. But it must not be a meeting where we are supposedly listened to but where the government does not move one iota on structuring subjects such as debt or taxes. The rebellious MP Raquel Garrido warned the government on Franceinfo against the temptation to use 49.3 to have its budget adopted in the Assembly: “The French hate 49.3. We are one of the only countries in the world where, in the demonstrations, we talk about the articles of the constitution to criticize them. (…) The fact that [le gouvernement] talking about it is a sign of weakness at the heart of the institutions. “ National Rally side, end of inadmissibility. “I will not go to Bercy to dialogue with Gabriel Attal”, declared on BFM-TV the acting president of the far-right party, Jordan Bardella, adding that “the place of discussion is called the National Assembly” . Mr. Bardella, for whom “the first savings” to be made “is to stop immigration”, added that his parliamentary group “would not vote for the budget”, without saying whether he would vote against or abstain. In the event that the government resorts to 49.3, Bardella said that “probably we will table a motion of censure”. Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Emmanuel Macron is not done with the hyper-presidency Le Monde