Pellegrini attacked the coalition MPs, did not give them anything: the Prime Minister calls for a decisive step – Novy Čas

The Prime Minister of the SR Eduard Heger (OĽANO) should ask for confidence in the parliament if he wants to govern in a minority government. This was stated by the chairman of the non-parliamentary Hlas-SD Peter Pellegrini in the Sunday discussion show TA3 V politika. According to the leader of Hlasu-SD, this would show which deputies support him. Heger should also say who he will work with. “When the prime minister is so decent and does not intend to work with fascists and extremists, let him ask for trust,” he declared. Pellegrini said that “under no circumstances” will he support Heger’s government. In his opinion, they should agree on changing the constitution across the political spectrum and on shortening the electoral period as soon as possible. At the same time, he is curious, when SaS leaves the coalition, what the chairman of We are a family Boris Kollár will do, who is not in favor of a minority government. “We will agree on early elections, and until then I guarantee that even the larger part of the opposition will always support the outgoing government for things that will benefit the people,” he said. According to Pellegrini, the government must admit that it failed and failed to fulfill its mandate. According to the leader of the extra-parliamentary Hlas-SD, President Zuzana Čaputová made a mistake during the opposition’s first attempt to declare a referendum when she turned to the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic. If he does it now, they will accept it. According to its leader, Hlas-SD refuses to cooperate with ĽSNS and OĽANO. There is no definitive decision about the Republic yet. He confirmed that he did not negotiate with Progressive Slovakia. Pellegrini also asks when the government will take measures to combat the energy crisis. They plan to present their own measures on Monday (September 5). Among them is, for example, more than 500 euros for each senior citizen, which, according to him, they should receive by Christmas. At the same time, he suggests that households be sent an energy check within a few months. They also want to cap energy prices.