The Virgen de las Nieves Hospital advises on healthy habits before undergoing knee replacement surgery – Granada Hoy

The Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital in Granada has a nursing consultation for the comprehensive care of patients who are going to have a knee prosthesis implanted so that the entire surgical process is carried out satisfactorily. The head of the Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology section, José Luis Martínez Montes, pointed out that “many of the patients who go to the hospital to request treatment for pain caused by knee osteoarthritis come with associated diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes or sleep apnea”, so from this service “the need to create a consultation for the comprehensive approach of these patients was valued, so that they arrive at the surgical intervention in the best conditions and an optimal recovery and a higher quality are guaranteed. of life”. To this end, last April a nursing consultation began dedicated to the care of these patients, through which more than fifty have already passed and have received useful information because, as Martínez Montes has indicated, “it is not only about of implanting a prosthesis, but it is essential to carry out prevention and health education to promote healthy lifestyle habits, especially on issues such as the worrying and growing obesity, which is bringing such serious consequences to the health of bones and joints”. The coordinating nurse of this preoperative consultation, Margarita Huete, has highlighted the good functioning and the great acceptance and satisfaction of the patients and their relatives. This professional receives those affected who are going to undergo prosthetic surgery and offers them knowledge about the surgical process and improvements in health conditions, for which she advises on healthy eating and moderate physical exercise. In the talk, this expert recommends a diet based on the Mediterranean diet to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, “it is not about imposing a strict diet but about achieving greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet to eliminate nutritional habits that lead to overweight” highlighted the sanitary. Regarding physical exercise, the nurse in charge has stressed that “it is essential since after the surgical intervention a rehabilitation period is required for which they must be prepared”, for this, physical activity guidelines recommended by the health service are followed. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the hospital itself, which in most cases are based on low-impact exercises, among which walking one hour a day stands out. Jesús López Morcillo, director of the service, has assessed this initiative as “very positive”, which aims to “incorporate the recently intervened patient into their normal life as soon as possible, with a recovery as fast and comfortable as possible in which cooperation is important of the patient”. High specialization in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology The increase in life expectancy, the aging of the population, the increase in physical activity and sport as an element present in our lives in an increasingly intense way have made this clinical specialty have a high demand for care. Tasks such as implantation of hip and knee prostheses are carried out with rapid treatment and early functional recovery of hip fractures. In addition to general treatment of fractures, the possibility of healing of most bone tumors; and the increase in minimally invasive surgery such as arthroscopy, advanced techniques in spine surgery, among other outstanding areas. This service has a specific unit for the implantation of mega-prostheses in tumors and large bone defects, made up of professionals who have been trained in this field in prestigious European centers. This group works with a multidisciplinary team of radiologists, pathologists, oncologists, rehabilitation doctors and traumatologists. Specifically, in the Granada hospital, an average of fifty prostheses of this type are placed per year in order to treat both infections and musculoskeletal tumors that cause defects in bones and joints and that are minimized with the placement of large prostheses.